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12th july 2021 - Day after the final...

This morning Jack had dropped Harley back home to her dad. There was an awful atmosphere throughout England almost like a glum blanket engulfing the small country. The last time she spoke to Phil was the night before when they said their goodbyes and went to bed. The vibe that originally brought excitement to Harley from SGP had disappeared. Gareth left his coach role at Wembley stadium and took on the role of a father to comfort and still applaud every single one of the boys.

Harley had shed a few tears the night before when she was in her hotel room. It was upsetting for everyone that they made it that far and right at the last leg victory was taken from them. They all know they played well and Jack tried his hardest to keep his head held high during the drive back to their dads. She knew it was eating him up inside but he was trying to be strong for his little sister.

Harley was now sat in her room scrolling through the photos she had taken throughout her time at the camp. She was hovering over that one certain photo of Jack and Phil smiling together when Phil got back from his hospital trip. She couldn't help the sinking feeling of guilt that shot through her body. Was this all so wrong? She want only risking her own relationship with her brother but Phils too.

She wasn't even deep enough yet that she wouldn't get over it if they stopped. They possibly could still be friends. She enjoyed his company and always had a laugh when she was around him.

Now she was just being stupid. She did like Phil and she certainly would be upset to lose him. He makes her happy and if he continues to do that Jack shouldn't have a problem. His protectiveness over Harley was exaggerated but she understood his point. The sound of her message tone broke her out of her thoughts.


Is it bad that i miss you already?

Yes why are you so obsessed with me


Phil i'm joking, i miss you too x

Fucking hell girl, you made my head spin😅x

Sorry wasn't my best joke😂x

No it wasn't.
But anyways, i wanna see youuu xx

We do both live in manchester😏

Has Jack went back to Brum?

Yep. didn't even stop in. He's trying to be brave but i know he's gutted x

We all are Harls but that's football, We get used to it pretty quickly xx
Anyways considering he's not there i can come see you right?

I guess you could. But i don't live alone Phil I live with my dad🙃x

I don't mind. Sooner or later we're gonna have to tell jack anyways xx

I can't deal with you being so serious
but your right and tbh i think my dad would love you anyways😄xx

Okay well send me the address and i'll come over xx


Your serious?
You literally live 5 minutes from me and i've never ever seen you!!

Wait really!?
Your also my brothers best friend and never met me
I guess we weren't supposed to cross paths🤷🏼‍♀️

shut up
i will be 20 minutes is that ok?

See you soon<3

end of text

Something about this all felt strange to Harley. It felt more real. More serious. He was now coming to her home and meeting her dad. Through all these thoughts she seemed to feel relieved. Obviously Phil still felt for her and she wasn't just a fling while he was away at camp. She would hate to admit of that thought often occurring in her brain the amount it did. But now it was slipping away.

About half an hour later she received a text that he's outside. She almost flings herself down the stairs as she runs to the door. When she opens it Phil is standing there in an essentials tracksuit. She looks him up and down before smirking. She'd only seen him out of his england clothes when they went shopping that said and at the party. He looked good.

"Are you gonna let me in or are we gonna stand here until you've fully checked me out?" he questions smirking up at her.

"Sorry, come on in" she giggles stepping out of the way and closing the door behind him.

"So does your dad know i'm here?" he asked his confidence slowly dejecting from his aura.

"I was thinking about just telling him now. While your here" she shrugged maybe it wasn't the best idea but her dad was so welcoming she didn't think he'd have an issue.

She lead the way to the kitchen Phil following cautiously behind. Her dad was sat on the breakfast bar drinking his coffee. She coughed to get his attention.

"Dad there is someone I would like you to meet" she smiled and moved out of the way revealing Phil.

"Phil Foden. In my house. I can't actually believe it" he almost squeals running over to greet him. They shake hands as my dad introduces himself. Phil visually confused why the father of Jack Grealish was so exited to meet another footballer. She looks at him and shrugs. Her father was a humble man and used his son as no excuse for anything.

"So Phil what brings you to my home?" he asked. Phil smiled looking at Harley and then back at him.

"I actually came to see Harls" he stated confidently. A huge toothy grin spread across his face.

"Well isn't that lovely. So what's the deal. Are you two courting?" Her father asked smiling pointing between the pair. Phil chuckled at his use of words before speaking up again.

"We haven't really spoken about it but I would say we are yes" he smiled and Harley who eagerly returned the grin.

"Oh Harley i knew you would make a lot of friends going to camp with Jack but not a potential boyfriend" he laughed. This was going great. Her father seemed more than approving of Phil and they seemed to get along. And here comes the big question.

"Does Jack know?" this question was directed towards Harley who had stayed quite throughout this conversation. He furrowed his brows slightly but kept the smile on his face.

"Not yet" is all she replied looking down.

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