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Jack now had the job at waking two of the heaviest sleepers he knew. They had landed in Greece.

"Harls" he whisper shouted and shook her lightly.

"Phil bro" he said in the same tone but shaking him a little harder. Luckily Phil slowly started to wake up.

He opened his eyes to be faced with Jack who was smirking at him weirdly he thought. He turned his head realised Harley was fast asleep all cuddled up to him. Shit.

"Wake her up bro we're here" was all Jack said before turning away and collecting his belongings. Strange.

"Harls" Phil shook her and she fluttered her eyes open slowly. "We're here babe" he whispered.

Harley shot up and looked around. Everyone was almost off the plane apart from the pair. She quickly gave Phil a peck and stood up clapping her hands together.

"Let's go" she said happily and the pair eventually exited the plane.

"Finally. Don't make this a habit you two" Bukayo said laughing. Even though he was half serious he did not like to be late.

The pair joined Jack, Harley still yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know what was in the air on that plane. How on earth did you two manage to fall asleep?" he laughed.

"Probably the fact Phil chatted my ear off. Must have sent me to sleep" she nudged him.

"Or maybe it was the fact you asked how much longer it would take every 2 minutes" Phil nudged her back.

"Your both as annoying as each other" Jack
playfully rolled his eyes and they carried on chatting.

The heat was really starting to get to Harley already as they were on the bus on the way to the villa. She cursed herself for not wearing suitable clothing. She was wriggling around in her seat trying to be directly under the air-con. She was becoming hot and bothered and that was never a good mix. Especially for a woman.

"Jack" she grunted to the seat behind her where Phil and Jack sat together. Harley insisted she wanted her own seat because she was too hot.

"Two minutes Harley were just around this corner" Jack stated already knowing what she was going to ask. Harley huffed and rolled her eyes trying to hide a smile. She hated that she was so easy to read sometimes. Phil just laughed at the siblings slightly happy he wasn't the most annoying anymore.

When they arrived Harley ran straight off the bus to get her bags first.

"Slow down Harley we still need to decide rooms" Declan laughed as he was right behind her.

He had gotten his bags and the pair walked to the villa together.

"Can I request my own bathroom. You know being the only girl and that" she pleaded with him.

"Yeah. Well you do have to share it with Phil as the en suite is in between both of your rooms" Declan said. Sure she would be chill about sharing a bathroom with Phil. Harley looked at him for a second trying to study his face. Did he know? Probably not it's just practical for everyone else.

"That's fine. I doubt Phil spends as long in a bathroom as Jack" she laughed as they walked inside.

The villa was absolutely beautiful. It had an open plan kitchen lounge area with a huge flat screen TV in front of the long corner couch. It was a modern beach house type of villa and had a stunning spiral staircase in the middle. The dining room extended to patio doors with an outside table under a small shelter. The outside had an infinity pool that looked over onto the beach and two of the rooms upstairs had a decent sized balcony. There was a hot tub under the shelter next to a fire pit built into the table and couches surrounding the area. Harley was too stunned to speak. Literally. Declan watched her in awe as the other boys started to load in.

After they all explored the downstairs Dec started to show then to their rooms. When Harley reached hers she was once again in awe. It had a huge king sized bed in the centre with bedside tables either side. A huge vanity mirror in the corner with shells and pearls engraved into the design. And the best part she was one of the rooms with a balcony. Her balcony had clear view of the pool and the top end of the beach. It was just beautiful.

Next she checked out the bathroom. It was very big for an en-suite and contained a toilet a sink, a jacuzzi style bath and a shower. Shells and pearls engraved the walls just as it did her mirror. The mirror in the bathroom had LED lightbulbs all around the outside and finally there was a door on the other side which she guessed was the door to Phil's room. Almost like a secret entrance. Thank you Dec, she thought to herself.

Harley took the opportunity to sneak into Phil's room through the bathroom door.

"Surprise" she stated as she wandered in.

"How did you get in here?" he questioned.

"We share a bathroom. It's like our own secret doorway" she giggled showing him that her room was through the door on the other side.

"That is perfect" he said before giving her a long overdue kiss. "How am I gonna stay away from you all week?" he questioned sticking out his pet lip.

"Honestly i don't know" she laughed at him.

"Especially those bikinis you brought" he rolled his eyes at her jokingly. Harley winked at him and smirked.

"Have i ever told you that you'll be the death of me?" Phil sighed dramatically flopping onto his bed.

"Hmm maybe a few times" she was winding him up. She didn't know why she just felt mischievous all of a sudden.

"Well anyways I best go get my best bikini on" she sent him a wink and walked off back into her room to get changed.

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