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Harleys POV

I was actually pretty shocked that Mason wanted to take me on a date. I want bothered though becasue I only had eyes for Phil and even if Jack said he could ask me I would have never went on a date with him. Phil left to meet the lads and I quickly ran to my room. I got dressed into my usual leggings and training t shirt and brushed my teeth. I sat in my room on my phone for a bit scrolling through Instagram and my face dropped when I seen the post.


Sasha is Jacks ex girlfriend they genuinely didn't work out as there only connection was sexual. Being the fool Jack is they still kept in touch just to literally have sex. Jack was still 'single' and still got with other girls but he always went back to sasha. Everything would now change for him as she was pregnant and it was his child! I quickly ran down to the pitcher where they all were and I stopped in for the of Jack.

I paused trying to catch my breath. "What's up Harls" I honestly didn't know how to word it so I just showed him the post.

His face dropped just as mine did and Phil came running over.

"What's up guys?" He said shrugging his shoulders and Jack showed him the post.

"Oh for fucks sake Jack is it yours lad?" Phil said shaking his head trying not to laugh.

"I belive it is Phil" I said Jack was still speechless.

"I don't get it we were always careful I always wore protection even though she is also on the pill!" Jack couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what to say mate but your gonna be a father now so you might want to contact her" Phil said trying to be reassuring but unfortunately there was no way out of this for Jack.

"Maybe she should have contacted me before telling the whole fucking world" Jack said as he was now getting angry. And anyone who knew Jack knew there was no calming him down when he was angry you just had to let him be until it was over.

"Why the fuck didn't she tell me first I don't get it" Jack was pacing back and forwards with his hands tangled in his hair. "I should have been the first person she told I'm the father for fuck sake"

"Jack mate calm down you know now and we can't change the time" Phil said even though he knew there was no hope he was going to calm down.

"I can't calm down Phil I'm the father of my ex girlfriends unbeknownst child and she didn't have the decency to tell me before plastering on her socials why the fuck is she so selfish" he said basically shouting at Phil.

"Right Jack for one Phil is trying to help you out so lay off would ya and she's pregnant her hormones are all over and you only answer her texts when you want sex so god knows what she was thinking or still is thinking right now" I said raising my voice back all I could do right now was match his tone to shut him down slightly.

"I know that and that's why I'm freaked Harls. I don't want to be with her and now she's having my fucking child" He calmed down slightly. I knew he was upset more than angry. He didn't want sasha in his life as more than a fuck and this ruined that for him. He shouldn't have treat any girl asin that way and it was his own fault she was pregnant but he's my brother and I had to support him.

"And the worst part is I can't just leave her with my child but Harley I don't want a relationship. And now my child is going to grow up in a broken home"He looked at me with hurt in his eyes "like ours" he ran to me and broke down into my arms. This hurt me so much to see Jack like this he never spoke about his feelings towards our broken family and this proved just how he felt about it.

I hugged him tight for as long as he needed. I was always gonna be this for Jack as he had always been their for me. Jack tilted his head back and looked at me with his bloodshot eyes and pure hurt was the look ok his face. He was really scared to be a father and my heart hurt for him.

Phil looked at me sympathetically and mouthed 'I'll go' and I mouthed back 'thank you' we traded smiles and he walked off to the other lads.

"Come on Jack well go to my room" I said to him softly and we left the hug and walked up to my room he sat down on the bed and finally calmed himself down before looking right at me.

"I'm ready" he said and half smiled.

"Ready to do what?" I said and returned the smile.

"I'm gonna call sasha" he said confidently joining me at the top of the bed.

"Are you sure Jack if it's too soon you don't have to do this" I said.

"No trust me Harls I'm ready" he smiled and FaceTimed Sasha.

She answered within seconds and automatically started. "Jack I'm so sorry I know I should told you I was just" he cut her off and smiled through the camera earning a smile back.

"Don't worry about it I can understand why you didn't want to contact me" he said reassuring the mother of his child.

"How do you feel?" She asked him.

"Sasha that doesn't matter most importantly how are you and how is our child" he asked and she was grinning from ear to ear I felt bad for the girl as she clearly wasn't used to Jack being this nice to her.

"We're fine up to now I guess. I have a checkup on Thursday you could come if you want. We get to hear this heartbeat." She said getting all exited.

"I'll be there" he smiled and they had small conversation before saying their goodbyes and ending the call.

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