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Last night turned out to be more rushed than Harley had in mind. Her and Phil were together till around 10pm which wasn't the original plan. Harley eventually got her shower and her skin was freshly prepped ready for the sun. Phil was picking her up at 6am for the airport so she got to sleep as soon as she could.

Harley woke up at 5am and started to get herself ready. Unsure of how she managed, she had put on a full face of light makeup and styled her hair. She went and sat in the lounge with an iced coffee and her suitcase and bags waiting for Phil. Her Dad had joined her to say goodbye and she was now filling up Phil's car ready to set off.

It wasn't a majorly long drive to the airport but would still take around half an hour on a good traffic day. She hopped into the passenger seat and waited for Phil to finish loading up the car 'properly'.

He finally hopped into the drivers seat and turned to face Harley.

"Good morning beautiful" he said before smashing his lips onto her hers. It was a short kiss but it felt good.

"You will have to get that out of your system before we get to the airport"

"Maybe I won't" he had a cheeky smile plastered on his face whilst focusing on the road.


"You're all mine babe" he winked cheesily towards her and carried on with the drive.

When they arrived at the airport Phil had parked in a private car park which Harley never even knew existed. Jack did take her and her father in holiday a couple of times but he tried to keep it as normal as possible. He didn't let fame take over him and he definitely wasn't going to on a family trip.

"There's Jacks car he must be here then" Harley stated as they started unloading the car.

"Most of the lads will be Harls" Phil replied and they walked together into the airport.

They arrived at a little cafe within the airport and Phil was right. Jack, Declan, Mason, Bukayo, Jude and Ben were all already seated.

"Nice of you to finally show up" Jack jokingly rolled his eyes as he patted the seat next to him for his sister to take.

"Don't blame me. Why did no one tell me how OCD he was" she gestured towards Phil laughing.

"That's Phil for ya. You should see his house" Jack replied. Harley would love to see his house and hoped she would be welcomed sooner rather than later.

"So the villa has 5 bedrooms yeah?" Dec questioned.

"Yeah so us lads are gonna have to share so miss princess can have her own" he nudged Harley.

"Well me and Dec will share, B and Jude, you and Chilly then Phil can have his own and so can Harls yeah?" Mason said. Proud of himself for coming up with that plan. Everyone replied with a 'yeah' and a 'that works for me' and Phil and Harley discreetly shared a look praising the lords above they both had their own room.

They walked around the shops for a while before it was time for them to board. They lead Harley down a separate wing that she also didn't know existed and each of them insisted in carrying at least one of Harley's bags. Was not something to complain about.

When they reached the plane she realised this was no normal plane they were getting on. It was a private jet. She gasped as she stepped on admiring the sights in front of her. There weren't many seats but the were huge and had little TV screens and looked very comfortable. There were a few seats with tables in between and at the back was a little buffet that had been made for them filled with all kinds of breakfast stuff.

She took a seat at the back row and got comfortable. Phil had slid in to the seat next to her not long after. She smiled at him.

"Guess your stuck with me" he grinned at her.

"Lucky me" she said sarcastically and they both started to laugh.

"The two most annoying sat together I see" Jack said to them both on his search for a seat.

"How rude?" Harley laughed. It was true, Harley always complained when she was on any long journey and she just hated planes. Jack was more chilled and just wanted to watch movies on his phone to pass time and their dad would just sleep. Well as much as he could without being interrupted by Harley.

"He's worse. Your about to get a taste of your own medicine" Jack laughed. Also true, Phil was a child at heart. He wanted to try and play games and he just never stopped talking. He will always find something to start up a conversation trying to hide the fact he was actually scared of flying and really disliked being on a plane.

"Come on bro. You would be bored without me on a plane" Phil joked. Jack just shook his head laughing and found himself a seat.

True to themselves the pair played games like little kids. Harley constantly asked Phil how far away they were and how long was left from just an hour in. The thing in which came to a surprise to both is that they managed to actually fall asleep. Harley laying her head on Phil's shoulder and his on top of her head. Both in a deep sleep.

"Lads look at this" Jack whisper shouted gesturing to the pair.

"Wait Phil has actually went to sleep" Dec was shocked. In all the times they had all travelled together with the England team that boy never once fell asleep.

"I can't believe it. She never sleeps either. It's a bloody miracle" Jack stated and a few of the boys laughed softly.

Dec and Mase were having a conversation about the pair quietly, once returning to their seats, so they wouldn't be heard.

"Do you really think he likes her?" Mase asked.

"Defo. Can you not just tell when they're around each other" Dec shrugged. He thought it was obvious.

"He does seem happier at the moment but i've never seen Phil really with a girl before. I don't know how he acts you know?" Mase never really noticed. "Do you think she likes him back?"

"Honestly. I don't know but i'm pretty certain she does" Dec had thought this for a while now.

"How do you think Jack will react if they do?"

"Bro I think he'll be happy for them. I hope he will anyways"

"Yeah. I agree" Mase smiled.

That Manchester girlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ