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Harley and Phil just sat and talked for an hour. Not that they had anything to catchup on spending the past months in each others company. They hadn't seen each other as regularly when Phil was back training and he even got to play in most of the games. She cheered them on from the sidelines every game. Like the squads own cheerleader.

Something about them being with each other outside of camp was better. She felt they could show their personalities a lot more and they didn't have to be too sneaky. She was already discovering that Phil was very hands on when showing emotion. He showed his care through physical contact even down to throwing her legs over his lap while they lay together on her bed.

Eye contact.

Phil had a very strong eye contact and she could almost read his every mood through his eyes. Especially when he eye fucked her the night of the party they went to during the first week of camp. She liked it though because other than this he was just too hard to read. Hence the reason she had doubts about his feelings towards her.

Their conversation was interrupted when her dad called her from downstairs. Phil chuckled as she hopped off the bed towards the door. It reminded him of when he was a child and his mam would be shouting him down for his tea. She just rolled her eyes and went down stairs.

"what's up?" she asked him he looked flustered.

"Well Jack didn't go back to birmingham. He's booked himself a hotel here" he was stressing out there must have been more to it. "and now he's on his way here Harley he's like five minutes away" he finally got out.

"Shit. Why didn't he just stay earlier. there's rooms here for him?" she questioned. Completely avoiding the fact Jack was on his way. It wasn't intentional she just didn't know what to do.

"I don't know anyways. Did Phil drive here?" he asked she nodded.

"Would his car be recognisable to Jack?" she shrugged. She didn't really know, she had guessed he probables doesn't but there is the risk that he does.

She shouts up and Phil comes running down the stairs just like she had 5 minutes before.

"What's up" he questioned. He felt the tension hit him as he entered the room.

"Phil son. Jack is in his way over he just rang me to let me know he's not far. I didn't know of this unless i would have warned you but i think it's best if you leave now quickly. Your welcome here anytime and a small word of advice. Its gonna be better for you guys to go to Jack then for him to catch you" he softened to Phil.

Phil obediently grabbed his things gave Harley and peck, thanked her father and sped off the driveway in record timing.

Five minutes was all it took for Jack to burst through the front door once Phil had left.

"We're in here son" their father shouted from the kitchen.

Jack entered with his usual smile back on his face. "Hi Dad" he embraced his father.

"Alright son, how you feeling?"

"Better now. I took my things to the hotel had a nap and a shower and i feel fresh" he smiled.

"How you doing Harls, i miss it already" Jack asked putting his pet lip out.

"All good. But me too I miss the boys"

"They miss you too. Dec been texting me all day nagging for us all to meet up again when we get the chance"

"I would love to see them all again" she smiled shyly turning her head towards her dad who was grinning back at her.

"How long you staying here then Jacky" their dad questioned.

"Got the hotel until Wednesday" Jack replied.

"You know you could have just stayed here right" Harley said.

"Yeah I know but I was planning to surprise you guys that I was gonna be in Manchester then after the result yesterday I wasn't feeling it" Jack sighed. The truth was he did still have a surprise for Harley he just wasn't ready to tell her.

Jack stayed for tea and they sat together at the dining room sharing a takeaway that Jack had ordered in. They filled in their dad on what it was like at camp and spoke a lot about the boys on the squad earning a beaming smile of awe from their dad the whole time. Every time Jack mentioned Phil their father, Dave, smiling knowingly at his daughter going completely unnoticed by his son.

"Oh my god i forgot to tell you. I saw Ben. And he joined my brother on embarrassing me most of the time" she giggled playfully nudging Jack.

"That's lovely. How's he doing I haven't seen him in a long time" Dave asked.

They finished up their food and Harley washed up while the two men went to the living room. She felt like she was on cloud nine at that moment. The world started to feel normal again after the defeat the day before. Not only that but it felt like Jack was home, this was where he belonged. With her and their father not at home with his mother, Emma.

Harley didn't even like to refer to Emma as her mother after the way she treat the young girl. She was only happy Jack stayed in Birmingham as he perused his footballing career and was now Aston villa's captain. Super Jack. If she had it her way he would just stay in Manchester now and leave Emma where she belongs. Far away from her and her father.

Hi guys. Sooo im finally back to writing this again and I hope to finally get it finished this time. When i first started this story I wasn't the best writer and i'm still learning slowly.

I had so many ideas of where this was going to go and now i'm struggling but I hope to have it completed before summer.

Please don't be silent readers I love to see comments and engage with my readers. Thanks for reading <3

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