Saving Kaz

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The ship travels from Dhekelia, Cyprus to Port Said, then through the Suez canal. During that time Snake gets a new arm. The stops at Port Osim, Karachi and they get on a helicopter and get to Peshawar, Afghanistan. Snake and Ocelot get on some horses and travel further into Afghanistan.

Episode 1


Snake and Ocelot are riding horses through a sandstorm.

March 21st, 1984 14:06
Northern Kabul, Afghanistan

Ocelot:"The area ahead is under total Soviet control. Miller's been captive for ten days. Not much time left."

Ocelot's iDroid goes off and he grabs it.

iDroid:"Weather will clears Shortly."

Ocelot check the map on his Idroid.

Ocelot:"Storm's passing."

They continue on and come across some ruins.

Punished "Venom" Snake

They ride into the Ruins and Ocelot hands Snake a canteen of water.

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Snake reaches to grabs the canteen with his red robot arm but misses and he reachers for it again and Grabs it.

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Snake unscrews the cap of the canteen and takes a drink.

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

When Snake finishes drinking he screws the cap back on.

Ocelot:"Getting used to it?"

Snake brings up his bionic arm and moves the hand around.

Guest Starring
The "SKULLS" Parasite Unit

They come to a stop at the top of a cliff and look at the surrounding bellow.

Voice Appearances
Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Ocelot:"After nine years on ice. Solo infiltration of the Soviet main ground forces...."

The camera pans to Ocelot and it looks at the glasses he's wearing.

J.F.Rey Eyewear

Ocelot:"Should be the perfect warm-up."

Ocelot hands Snake and iDroid and Snake grabs it. Snake activates it and a map of their location comes up. Then he deactivates it and puts it away.

Ocelot:"Kazuhira Miller is being held in Da Ghwandai Khar, to the north. Check its location now - take out your iDroid."

Snake takes out the iDroid and the map pops up.

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