A.I. Pod

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Wolf is in her room and she's sitting in a chair, next to a window. She has her face in her hands. A little coffee table is next to her and there is an ashtray with a light cigar, on top.

Miller:*Com*"Major, we need evidence to prove our suspicions about Emmerich. Head to the Central Base Camp in Afghanistan and recover that AI Pod. It's time we purged Diamond Dogs of that traitorous parasite once and for all. I've already informed, Boss about this; he's waiting for you."

Wolf sighs and she rubs her face and grabs her cigar and takes a long puff. Then she exhales the smoke and crushes the cigar in the ashtray. She then picks up her weapons and heads out of the room.


Snake, Wolf and Quiet are in the chopper. Wolf is sitting across from Quiet.

Northern Kabuk, Afghanistan

Wolf puts a magazine in her W.U S.Pistol and she puts it in her right hip holster.

Snake stands up and opens the right door. Wolf looks out from her seat. 

The helicopter arrives at the LZ and Snake, Wolf and Quiet jump out.

Pequod:*Com* "Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

Snake and Wolf run towards the objective. Quiet runs ahead of them and scouts out the base camp.

After a minute of running Snake and WOlf make it to the objective area.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Afghanistan Central Base Camp

Quiet hums over the radio. Snake and Wolf get up on a hill that overlooks the entrance of a base. They pull out their binoculars and recon the area. They find a few soldiers. 

Wolf and Snake sneak towards the building they extracted Huey from. They get to the door and it slides open. They enter and see the A.I. Pod.

A.I.:"To make the world one again."

Wolf ignores the words that the A.I. pod is saying. Snake and Wolf go over to a computer and Snake starts to type some things. The A.I. Pod then launches and it crashes through the roof of the building and blasts off in a random direction. 

Miller:*Com*"A.I. Pd launch confirmed. We'll pick it up. I wonder what kind of secrets are buried in it... I'll let you two know id we learn something."

Snake and Wolf start to head out of the building.

Ocelot:*Com*"Got a report from the Intel team. Remember how the Man on Fire was crushed by Sahelanthropus? Well, the Soviets recovered his body. Could he really be dead? Boss, Major, head for Yakho Oboo Supply Outpost, and secure the Man on Fire's body."

Wolf growls.

Ocelot:*Com*"If Skull Face was right, and a thirst for revenge can turn a man into a demon and keep the dead alive. Then this 'Man on Fire' who's been coming after us ever since Big Boss woke up... Well, that just might be what's left of our old friend Volgin."



463 words

MGSV: The Maimed WolfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin