Walker Gears

64 4 3

Episode 15



The camera opens up to Snake, Wolf and DD on the helicopter on the helicopter at nighttime. Wolf is sitting on the seats next to the right door.

Punished 'Venom' Snake

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"This contract comes from the People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, also known as the MPLA."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com* "The PF at Ditadi Abandoned Village has been supplied with Walker Gears."

Enemy Combatants
The Contract Forces of Africa
Rouge Coyote

Miller:*Com.* "Both of your jobs are to eliminate them all."

Featured Mecha
Walker Gear

Miller:"Destroy them, extract them - whatever you two see fit. This just might get us closer to the Walker Gears' supplier - Cipher."

Snake stands up and opens the right door. Wolf stays in her seat and looks out the door.

Miller:*Com*"Good luck, Boss, Major."

Eliminate All Walker Gears

After a few seconds the helicopter gets to the LZ and Snake, Wolf and DD jump out of the helicopter.

Pequod:"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off and Snake, Wolf and DD run towards the objective. After a while of running they make it near the objective.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Ditadi Abandoned Village

Ocelot:*Com*"The targets have been deployed to that outpost. Find and eliminate all of them."

They start to sneak towards the village and DD growls. Wolf sniffs the air and spots two soldiers. Snake and Wolf, with DD following, head across the road and make their way to some walker gears.

Episode 15

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Ditadi Abandoned Village

Snake and Wolf come to a burned down building and Snake stops Wolf. Snake then pounds his fist into the ground making a sonar pulse. Wolf rubs her ears from the sound. 

Then Snake, Wolf and DD sneak ahead and DD spots a few enemies and a prisoner. Snake and Wolf head over to a tent that have two soldiers outside of it. Snake points to one solder near a mounted gun and She nods.

The two sneak over to the tent and Wolf grabs her soldier and puts a knife to his neck.


Soldier:"I'll tell you where the prisoners are."

iDroid:"The map has been updated."

Wolf chokes the soldier out. Snake knocks his soldier out and they both extract them. Wolf spots a lone soldier at another tent and she pulls out her WU S.Pistol and she shoots him in the head and he falls to the ground knocked out.

Wolf goes over to the guy and fulton extracts him. Wolf looks to Snake and he gives her a thumbs up and she smiles.

Then they both head up towards where a few Walker Gears are and a few soldiers. Snake and Wolf knock out the soldiers around the area fulton extract them. 

Wolf goes over to a Walker Gear and pulls some C4 and she smiles as she puts it on a Walker Gear.


Wolf goes over to the other Walker Gear and puts a C4 on it. Then Wolf then sniffs the air and smells the prisoner nearby and she heads over to them and finds them in a tent. She cuts the restraints and puts them on her back.

Prisoner:"...But...But why..."

Wolf heads out of the tent and sets the prisoner down and fulton extracts them. Snake finds a diamond in the tent where the prisoner was. Wolf heads around to the other side of the tent and finds a Walker Gear and she puts a C4 on it.

Then Snake heads down to the prisoner with DD and Wolf following. Snake fulton extracts the prisoner. Then the three head out of the area and Wolf pulls out the detentor and smirks.


All the C4's go off destroying the Walker Gears.

Miller:*Com*"Great. No targets remaining. Your objective's complete. Exfiltrate out the hot zone, by chopper or on land."

Snake calls in the helicopter and they the head over to the LZ. They get on the helicopter and it leaves the area.

Miller:*Com*"That's it - you've made it out of the hotzone. No sign of the enemy. Mission complete, Boss. Major."




Punished "Venom" Snake
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

The Contract Forces of Africa
Rouge Coyote


Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, we were right. Once you two eliminated those Walker Gears, a resupply call was made from Ditadi to CFA headquarters. The CFA then contacted none other than SANR... that's right, the shell company that 'owned' Mfinda Oilfield. So SANR was just a front for Cipher... The resupply won't be happening just yet, but we did learn that the Walker Gears are being transported out of Nova Braga Airport. Apparently there's a distribution network on the savanna that links all the PF outposts. I'll have the Intel Tea, investigate this network. If Cipher is supplying PFs with Walker Gears, the PFs have to be offering them something in return. We follow the money trail, and we might just find ourselves on Cipher's doorstep."



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