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Episode 13


The camera opens up to the helicopter flying over a forest.

Angola-Zaire border region, Central Africa

Miller:*Com*"Came from intel. The target is Angola's Mfinda oilfield upstream from the landing point. A spill covered the whole area in crude. A pipeline that crosses the Munene River failed, now the shore's a mess. Not to mention the village downstream have no drinking water."

The helicopter get closer to the LZ. The camera shows Snake, Wolf and DD in the helicopter. Wolf is sitting on the seats next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"The oil runs to the pipeline from that facility."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"Taking it out should end the leak."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"The client this time is an environmental NGO."

Enemy combatants
The Contract Forces of Africa

Miller:*Com*"Destroy the facility. Stop that leak."

Guest Starring
Child Soldiers

Miller:*Com*"This may seem like straight-up philanthropy, but there's another reason we agreed to it."

Featured Mecha
Walker Gear

Miller:*Com*"The Mfinda oilfield was outdated, abandoned. Then the rebel group UNITA moved in, taking it upon themselves to kickstart operations."

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf crouches behind him, petting DD.

Miller:*Com*"UNITA's been rapidly modernizing its arsenal. Rumor has it someone's been selling them U.S. military hardware. Intel's analysis suggests the broker's a front company - Cipher's. Keeping tabs on UNITA could tell us who's pulling its strings."

Destroy the Oilfield Facility

The helicopter backs it to the LZ and Snake, Wolf and DD hop out. Wolf rubs her nose a few times from the smell and Snake looks down to the crude their standing in.

(I don't know if I mentioned this. Wolf carries two pistols, one on each hip. Her WU S.Pistol and a MK23 SOCOM. Her WU. S.Pistol in on her right hip and the MK23 on her left.)

Miller:*Com*"That's step one to tracking down Skull Face -"

The helicopter flies away.

Miller:*Com*"And Cipher with him. Good luck, Boss. Major."

Snake and Wolf, with DD following them, start to make their way through the forest.

Miller:*Com*"First make your way to the oil facility. It's to the north past Bwala ya Masa. The village is currently occupied by UNITA. So stay sharp."

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