Legendary Gunsmith

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The camera opens up to Snake, Wolf, Quiet on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door and she's looking out the window.

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Aerial Command Center

Ocelot:*Com*"Being a scout sniper, there are two tasks you can give Quiet. The first, is to infiltrate an outpost ahead of you and scout out the enemy's positions. The second, is to send her to a sniping position and have her cover your infiltration. The kind of sniper support she'll provide will depend on the weapon you give her. Of course, this is all assuming she's willing to follow orders."

Snake opens up his idroid and selects a side mission. 


The camera opens up to Snake, Wolf and Quiet on the helicopter in the Afternoon.

Angola-Zaire Border Region

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf kneels behind him. The helicopter arrives at the LZ and all three jump out.

Pequod:*Com.* "Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off. Snake and Wolf walk through the forest and Quiet runs ahead. Snake and Wolf climb up a hill.

iDroid:"Enemy presence detected. The map has been updated."

Quiet makes it to the village and Snake and Wolf reach the top of the hill.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Masa Village (Bwala ya Masa)

Quiet starts to hum over the radio and she spots a few soldiers. Snake and Wolf pull out their binoculars and recon the area. They spot a few soldiers too.

Snake and Wolf head down into the village. They sneaks past the guards at the entrance and crawl into the village.


The crawl up to a ledge and recond a little more of the village and a car drives through the village. Snake goes up behind a soldier and grabs him. Then he puts a knife to his throat. 


Soldier:"You'll find... a highly-skilled soldier here..."

Snake then knocks the soldier out. A soldier walks around the corner and sees the two and Wolf quickly shoots him in the face with her W S.Pistol. Snake and Wolf fulton the soldiers. Wolf then spots a soldier near the beached ship.

Miller:*Com*"That's the target."

Snake and Wolf knock out the soldiers along their way and Snake goes over to the target and knocks him out and fultons him. Wolf fultons the soldiers they knocked out.

iDroid:"Side ops list updated."

Snake then pulls out his iDroid and calls in the helicopter.


Snake and Wolf head to the LZ and when they get there they get on the helicopter. Quiet jumps on as the helicopter is taking off.


Snake stands up and Quiet enters the helicopter. Snake then closes the door.


The three are back on the helicopter.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Aerial Command Center

Ocelot:*Com*"Boss, Major, that man you two picked up in Bwala ya Masa is a top-notch gunsmith. We've got plenty of work for him. But it turns out that he's just the apprentice of a so-called 'legendary gunsmith.' Now, if this 'legendary gunsmith' is all he's cracked up to be, we could really use him on our side. The apprentice gave us the whereabouts of his master, if you've got the time, go and grab him. I've added the details to your SIDE OPS list."

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