Interpreter 2

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Episode 14


The camera opens up to Snake, Wolf and DD on the helicopter. It's night time. Wolf is sitting in the seat next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Several high-level British CFA officials are being held by their Afrikaner colleagues."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

MIller:*Com*"One of these prisoners is the rescue target, a guy known as the 'viscount.' 

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com* "The target's location is unknown, but they're bound to have an interpreter present when they interrogate him."

Enemy Combatants
The Contact Forces of Africa

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf kneels behind him.

Guest Starring
"The Viscount"

Miller:*Com*"We've used info from the Intel Unit to predict the interpreter's location, It's on your iDroids. Follow the interpreter and extract the target when you find him."

Rescue the Viscount

The helicopter gets the the LZ and Snake, Wolf, and DD jump out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

Snake, Wolf, and DD run towards the objective.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Kiziba Camp

Snake and Wolf and DD make it to the camp and recon the area and Snake spots a prisoner. 

Ocelot:*Com*"That's not the target. Orders are, only the viscount gets rescued. Can't understand why he'd receive special treatment...But I don't imagine it'd be a problem to save the other prisoners too."

Wolf then follow the prisoner and spots the interpreter.

Miller:*Com*"You found the interpreter? Now follow him to the target."

Snake and Wolf go prone and crawl forward towards the camp.

Ocelot:"The CFA are all business. Hard to believe they're interrogating their own. Situation must be worse than we thought. Make a wrong move, and they could kill the target without warning."

Wolf pulls out her WU S.Pistol and knocks out the soldier guarding the prisoner. Snake goes up and fulton the Prisoner. 

Miller:*Com* The prisoner you extracted wasn't the target, but we did get some information. Seems the prisoners aren't held together, and the cells and interrogation rooms are separate place."

Wolf then knocks out the interpreter and his guard and fulton extracts them.

Miller:*Com*"Major...Well, we'll have to interrogate him to find out where the target is."

Snake and Wolf start to head in a direction and after a minute.

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, we got the interrogation location out of the interpreter. He also said it will begin at night...They'll be staring any time now, Hurry!"

Snake and Wolf head towards the interrogation location. Snake and Wolf get to the location and DD spots a few guards.

Ocelot:*Com*"So, our rescue target was behind some kind of plot."

Snake and Wolf sneak through the camp.

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, I did some digging, and it seems the target himself gave us this mission through a representative. Obviously he couldn't contact us directly due to his predicament, but still, something about this 'viscount' doesn't add up... "

Wolf and Snake knock out some guards. Suddenly Wolf hears a gunshot in the distance.

Ocelot:*Com*"Boss, Major, one of the prisoners has been killed. But we don't know if it was the target or not. Hurry up and ID the target."

After a while of checking buildings Snake finds a file and he scans it.

Miller:*Com*"This is... a list of prisoner detainment locations..."

After a while of searching Snake and Wolf find the prisoner out in the middle of the wild. Snake goes up to him and extracts them.

Miller:*Com*"Target extraction confirmed. Get yourselves out of the hot zone, By chopper or by land, it's your choice."

Snake calls in the helicopter and they head to the LZ and they get in the helicopter and it leaves.



Punished "Venom" Snake
Stalking "Maimed" Wolf
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

"The Viscount"

The Contract Forces of Africa


Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, one of the other British prisoners filled us in about the viscount. It turns out he's a real two-faced son of a bitch. He was planning to secure the MPLA's oilfield rights for himself. In exchange for swapping the CFA's alliance from the anti-government UNITA rebels to the state-backed MPLA. He hid this from the Afrikaners, but once he thought the jig was up, he tried to pin it on the other British personnel and take off. The Afrikaners captured him, and that was when he asked us to rescue him and only him. I'll throw him in the Brig for now, but... we need to be extra 'persuasive' with this one. By the way, Boss, Major, we got some interesting news out of our friend the 'Viscount.' He mentioned that more than a few PF's in the region have purchased Walker Gears. The CFA's the same. That's Soviet Army technology... and it's still a prototype. Only Cipher could be leaking it to the PF's. But the question is... why? 



795 words.

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