The Red Wolf

93 3 9

Episode 23



Snake, Wolf and DD are on the helicopter in the evening. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"Capture the White Mamba and Dearg Madah, (Red Wolf in gaelic) the child soldiers' commanders, and bring them back to Mother Base."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com* "First off, head for Bwala ya Masa."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Enemy Combatants
Child Soldiers

Snake stands up and opens the right door. Wolf looks out from her seat.

Guest Starring
Eli the "White Mamba"
Alex the "Dearg Madah"

The helicopter reaches the LZ.

Extract the White Mamba and Dearg Madah

Snake and Wolf and DD jump out of the helicopter.

Pequod:*Com.*Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

Snake and Wolf, with DD following, run to the LZ. Avoiding a outpost.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Masa Village (Bwala ya Masa)

Miller:*Com*"Your targets, the White Mamba and Dearg Madah, showed up in this village out of the blue, and took command of the child soldiers. The surrounding villages have been victims of their raids and brutality ever since. But if you extract their commanders, those kids'll have no choice but to stand down. Should wrap up the whole situation. They're still kids. You can't kill any one of them, including the commander. If things get rough, neutralize them by knocking them out, or by tranquilizing them."

Snake and Wolf make it to the village and DD spots a prisoner. They sneak their way down to the prisoner, avoiding the child soldiers. 

They make their way in the building and Snake grabs the prisoner and brings them outside. They make their way outside the village and fulton extract the prisoner. 

Snake and Wolf sneak their way over to the boat and tranquilize some of the child soldiers there. Then they make their way up the boat and inside.

They walk up some stairs and see two kids. One is sitting in a chair and the other sitting on eh floor next to him. One male and the other female.

The Female has short red hair and bright green eyes. She looks like a child Wolf but the kid has a scar across her nose and a small scar across her right eye right eye brow.

Snake:"So you're the so-called 'White Mamba'"

Wolf:'And the Dearg Madah.'

Eli sits up and crosses his legs. Alex glares at the two.

MGSV: The Maimed WolfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora