Confronting Skull Face

45 2 0

Episode 30



Northern Kabul, Afghanistan

Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door and she's readying her M60.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Wolf pats DD on the head and she looks to the other chopper flying next to hers.

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com* "The research facility Emmerich was talking about is north of the Soviet base.

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:"That's where Skull Face is keeping Sahelanthropus before setting it loose in Afghanistan."

Dr. "Huey Emmerich

Wolf puts her M60 on her back and she checks her MK23 Socom.

Miller:*Com*"There's a good chance he's got nukes, too."

Snake gets up and he opens the left door and sits down. Wolf kneels down behind him.

Enemy Combatants
Cipher's "XOF" Strike Force

Ocelot:*Com*"Boss, Major, we need to figure out what Skull Face is up to."

Wolf sees Alex and Eli in the other chopper and she narrows her eye at them.

Ocelot:*Com* "If you make contact with him, get him to talk"

Guest Starring
Skull Face
The Man on Fire
Tretij Rebenok
Eli the "White Mamba"
Alex the "Dearg Madah"

Ocelot:*Com* "The ethnic cleansing parasites... Sahelanthropus..."

Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"

Ocelot:*Com*"Find out what his plans are."

The other helicopter backs off and goes on standby. 

Wolf tightens her bandana around her eye.

Miller:*Com*"All we know is that Skullface's plans are on the verge of fruition. We need to stop him, while we still can."

Take Vengeance on Skull Face

The helicopter hovers at the LZ and Snake, Wolf and DD hop out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off.

Snake, Wolf and DD start to run towards OKB Zero.


Miller:*Com* "The Soviet Soldiers in that area are all dead. Apparently XOF unleashed the Russian parasite strain. To isolate the facility, they fist spread reports of a chemical weapon leak. The infection won't spread into the surrounding regions. But still... To think they'd just exterminate the men who worked with them all this time... Skull Face must be making his final play."

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