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Phantom Episode

Episode 51
"Kingdom of the Flies"

Miller:"Boss, Major, about Eli, Alex, and their boys."

Snake:"You know where they went?"

Miller:"We're still working on it, but the chopper pilot they had fly them out of here is back."


Miller:"He said once Sahelanthropus and the chopper got out to sea, they split up and headed in different directions. But, Alex went with Eli. The chopper headed straight for Africa. They made it about 50 miles inland before running out of fuel. 

The kids used vines and duct tape to tie the pilot to his seat before they disappeared. He was almost dead from dehydration when the medics found him. They left him alive on purpose."

Snake:"Yeah. They're calling us out. They want to settle this."

Miller:"The intel Team are using the direction Sahelanthropus headed and the directions the kids took off in to narrow down the search area.

And with HEC helping out, it won't be long before we know where Eli and Alex are. There's just one thing that bothers me."

Wolf:"What's that?"

Miller:"Apparently there are already men going around the nearby villages asking for witnesses of the 'giant in the sky.'

Snake:"Damn it, already?"

Miller:"It's clearly business as usual for Cipher even with Skull Face gone. They must've been dying to get Sahelanthropus back ever since Afghanistan. And if they beat us to it, they'll be getting more than that - Eli and Alex are carrying the English strain of the vocal cord parasite."

The intel team tracks down Eli and Alex based on leads from the helicopter pilot.

Miller:"We tracked down Eli, Alex and their 'men.'  They've spread the parasite across the island."

An island in a salt lake in Central Africa.

Miller:"It won't affect you if your voice hasn't broken, so they're safe, for now."

Eli and ALex have been infecting XOF scouts with parasites to breed more of the English strain.

Miller:"Eli's driven all the adults off the island. Recess is officially in session."

The parasites cannot survive in salt water, so they are confined to the island.

Miller:"His own version of 'Lord of the Flies.' Only instead of a pig's head, Sahelanthropus."

However, they serve as an invisible barrier, preventing any adults from entering Eli's 'kingdom' 

Miller:"And it's swarming with something worse than flies. They've presented one demand in exchange for the nuke. Bis Boss and The Major's bodies. Those kids've got to lot to learn.

Mission Objective:

Recapture Sahelanthropus, eliminate the English vocal cord parasites, and rescue the children.

Miller:*Com* "Okay, Boss. Major. The objective is to recover Sahelanthropus and the children - Eli and Alex included. Once you're in the air, we'll hit the island with napalm. Can't let those things spread."

MGSV: The Maimed WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz