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(Short Episode.)

The camera opens up to Snake on a helicopter in the early morning.


Snake walks over to the door and opens it. After a few seconds the helicopter gets to the LZ and Snake hops out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be Careful out there, Boss!"

The helicopter flies away. Snake checks his iDroid and sees that Qarya Sakhra is not to far away. Snake gets on D-Horse and start to head to the objective.

After a few minutes he gets to the area.

Miller:*Com*"You've made it, Boss. The commander should be here, but be careful, don't want to spook him off."

Snake then sneaks near the outpost and pulls out his binoculars out and recons the area. There are quite a few soldier and he finally spots the commander walking into a building.

Miller:*Com*"That's him, go to him and get something out of him."

Snake sneaks his way over to the building and walks inside and the commander is looking at some files on the table and Snake goes up behind him and grabs him. Snake pulls out his knife and puts it to his neck.


Commander:"Th-There is some intel on the prisoner, Volk, on the table."

Snake chokes him out and grabs his body and brings him outside and fulton extracts him. The Snake goes over to the table and Scans the intel.

Miller:*Com*"Great job, Snake. Now get out of there."

Snake is about to leave when something white catches his vision and he looks over to see a red bandana. He goes over and grabs the bandana and looks at it, there's a white petal on the bandana. 

Miller:*Com*"Wolf's bandana?"


Snake then sees that there was a tape under the bandana and he grabs it and looks at it. There is nothing written on the tape, but it looks a little scratched up. Snake pockets the tape and sneaks out of the Outpost. He calls the chopper in and he gets on it and it flies away.


Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Aerial Command Center 

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Listen to the tape. While we go over the intle you found. It might have something about Major on it."

Snake pulls out the tape and puts it in his walkman and starts the tape. The sounds of a helicopter is heard.



383 words.

MGSV: The Maimed WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang