Back With The Pack

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The camera opens up to Snake looking out the helicopter door as their nearing Mother Base. 


Snake looks over to Wolf as she tosses her cigar out the door way and She looks to him. Helicopters fly near them and escort them.

Wolf:"Skull Face is building something."

Alarms can be heard going off from Mother Base.

Snake:"Building something?"

Wolf:*Nods.*"Something big. I don't know what. But is dangerous." 

The helicopter touches down and Snake stands up and picks Wolf up. A medical team runs up with a stretcher. Ocelot is following them.

Wolf:"We have to stop him."

Snake sets Wolf down on the stretcher and the medical team puts a breathing mask on her.

Snake:"I.. No we will stop him."

Wolf smiles and nods and she closes her eye and the medical teams runs off with her. Ocelot walks up to Snake.

Ocelot:"She'll be fine. They just need to do some X-Rays and perform a surgery and she'll be back in the action in no time. Nothing will stop her from going on missions with you."

Snake:"I know, that part worries me a little. She'll need to rest and heal up, but I feel like she won't do that."

Ocelot:"Well she's tough and very stubborn."

Snake:"I guess you're right."

Ocelot:"You get back out there, by the time you get back, Wolf will probably be out of surgery."

Snake nods and gets back on the chopper and it flies off.


Snake is back on the chopper.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Aerial Command Center

Miller:*Com*"Boss, we've received a black-channel request from Langley. We're to find a piece of new American military hardware that's gone missing in the mountains of Afghanistan."

iDroid:"Mission list updated."

Miller:*Com*"It's a difficult mission, but I'd say your back in top form by now. Even though I don't like this, we need the money. Check your iDroid for details."

Snake opens his iDroid and selects a mission.


Episode 5

Over The Fence

The camera opens up to Snake on the helicopter in the early morning.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Boss. A soviet engineer is being held prisoner at the Wakh Sind Barracks."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"You need to find him and get him out."

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