On The Run/Memories

83 2 0

Episode 14.5


The camera opens up to an unconscious Wolf in a crashed helicopter.

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Wolf is starting to wake up.


Pequod:"Major! Major! Wake up!"

Punished "Venom" Snake

Diamond Dog Soldiers

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Airborne Regiment

Wolf opens her eye and looks around. Sparks and small fires are around the helicopter.

Featured Mecha
Walker Gears


Wolf looks over to the cockpit and sees Pequod trying to get free from his seat.

Survive and save Pequod

Pequod:"Major wake up! They're coming!"

Wolf groans and she gets up and goes over to Pequod.

Pequod:" Major you're alright! Help me, please. We're about to be surrounded."

Wolf looks out the destroyed glass windows and notices that it's nighttime and that many lights can be seen from the left side. Wolf then looks to Pequod and helps him out of the chair and he groans in pain.

Wolf pulls him to the back of the helicopter and checks him for injuries. He has a cut on his leg.

Pequod:"It's not that bad. My leg's just a little numb."

Wolf grabs her assault rifle that was on the gun rack and hands it to Pequod.

Wolf:"Cover the right side I got the left."


Wolf reaches for her iDroid and pulls it out and tries to activate it. It wont turn on and she looks it over and sees a bug slash on the back of it. Wolf growls and tosses the iDroid away. She then looks for her fulton's and she can't find them.

Wolf then looks to the left side of the helicopter and notices that the minigun is still there. She walks over to it and is able to move it around.

Wolf:"I hope you still work."

Wolf notices that their in an open field with not much cover. The lights are getting closer and closer.

Wolf:"Be ready."

Pequod:"Yes, Ma'am."

Wolf can now see the soldiers.

Wolf:"Come on, keep getting closer."

The soldiers are now close and Wolf notices that there are a lot of them.



Wolf cracks her neck and her knuckles.

Wolf:"Then let's do this."

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now