Fallen Angel

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Episode 10


The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf on the helicopter. It's around mid-day. Wolf is sitting on the seat next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Your mission is to rescue a prisoner being held at Lamar Khaate Palace."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"He's know as Malak - 'Angel' - to his fellow Mujahideen."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"Start by checking the target's VI on your iDroid."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Miller:*Com*"The Soviets captured him and took him to the ruins of the palace."

Guest Starring
Lamar Khaate Palace Prisoner Escort

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf crouches down behind him.

Miller:*Com*"His family was subsequently killed in an airstrike on hid village. The Soviets' scorched earth operation wiped it off the map. The client is none other than his father...Or rather, this was his father's dying wish. If you can manage to rescue other prisoners as well, each one will add a bonus to our pay. When you see them, I'm sure your conscience will tell you what to do."

Extract the Mujahideen Prisoner

The helicopter arrives at the LZ and Snake and Wolf jump out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there Boss! Major!

The helicopter flies off and Snake and Wolf get on D-Horse and ride off to the objective. After some riding.

Miller:*Com*"Lamar Khaate Palace....The target should be somewhere at that outpost."

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Lamar Khaate Palace

Snake and Wolf ride forward.

Episode 10

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Lamar Khaate Palace

Snake stops D-Horse and he and Wolf pull out some binoculars ans scout the area. They find the prisoner standing next to a car.

Miller:*Com*"There. That's the target."

Snake snaps the reigns on the horse and D-horse runs and they go on the left side of the palace. Then they get off D-Horse and start to sneak around the palace and they make their way inside. Wolf smells a few other hidden soldiers and some prisoners. As they are inside the place they hear a car start and drive off. Wolf quickly sneaks over to a window while Snake sneaks to the roof. 

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