Saving Wolf

257 6 2

Episode 4.5

The Maimed Wolf

The camera opens up to Snake in a helicopter. It's night time.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Snake, Wolf is at Yakho Supply Outpost."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"Their planning to transport her out of country and back to the Soviet Union at have her executed on live TV in about two days."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"So you can't get spotted or they will kill Wolf."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"They have been torturing her for 6 years, Boss."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Snake stands up and walks to the door and opens it and sits.

Miller:*Com*"God knows, what they've done to her, Snake. So be careful and bring her back to her 'pack'."

Featured Mecha
Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"

The helicopter stops at the LZ and Snake jumps out.

Rescue Wolf

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss!"

Snake pulls out two objects from his pocket. It's Wolf's Bandana and the picture taken at the start of Operation: Snake Eater.

Snake:"Hold on, Wolf. I'm coming." *He ties the bandana to his right arm and puts the picture away.*

Snake gets on D-Horse and starts to ride to Yakho Supply Outpost. After a minute he gets near Yakho Supply Outpost.

Miller:*Com*"Ok, Boss. Remember if you get spotted the mission is a failure and they'll kill Wolf."

Snake Sneaks alongside the road and he walks up a hill and pulls out his binoculars. There are a couple guards down at the entrance along with a battle tank. A tank is patrolling up and down the road. They got guards in the guard towers and many soldiers patrolling around the courtyard. Snake looks to the other side of the courtyard and spots a gate.


Snake puts his binoculars away and sneaks down the hill and Sneaks his way to the back of the supply outpost. He gets to the gate and finds that it's locked, he looks around and sees no one looking in his direction and he picks the lock. After a few seconds he gets the door open and he sneaks through. He sees a blue door and he sneaks his way through it. He sees two guards standing in front of a red door and he takes out his WU S.Pistol and he takes both guards out.

Snake then walks up to the red door and peers inside and sees someone in the back cover that looks like Wolf.


The person doesn't move. Snake picks the lock to the door and he goes in. He looks over to the side of the room and sees five big dried blood puddles. The camera moves to the front of Snake, looking at him.

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now