Curse Legacy

51 2 1

Episode 35



Snake, Wolf and Quiet are on the copper in the evening. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major. Code Talker's research has been stolen."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com* "The research materials have been packed into two containers and hidden in the jungle southwest of the mansion."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com* "Enemy extractions choppers will be there any minute."

Old Diné "Code Talker"

Miller:*Com*"You two have to find and retrieve those containers before they arrive."

Enemy Combatants
Zero Risk Security

Snake stands up and he opens the right door and sits down. Wolf looks out from her seat.

Miller:*Com*"That area's being guarded by Zero Risk Security. And their client is XOF."

Guest Starring
Lufwa Valley Commander

Miller:*Com*"If the choppers make off with the containers, that research will end up in Cipher's hands. That cannot be allowed to happen."

Extract the Containers

The helicopter arrives at the LZ and Snake, Quiet and Wolf hop out.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

Quiet runs ahead and scouts. Snake and Wolf run towards the objective.

Angola-Zaire Border Region
Lufwa Valley

The two enter the forest from the backside of the mansion. As they sneak around they hear a voice on the radio.

Guard:*Radio* "All units, special alert. Defend your positions! Out!"

Miller:*Com* "Boss. Major, looks like they're stepping up security around the targets. Watch yourself."

The two walk across the bridge and Snake pulls out his binoculars and recons the area and he spots a few guards.

Miller:*Com*"Guards... they must know where the containers are. If you could just squeeze it out of them..."

Snake notices that they're wearing body armor and he sighs. He puts his binoculars away and he and Wolf sneak towards them.

They make it to the tents and Snake goes behind one and grabs him. Wolf grabs the other and chokes him out.

Snake pulls out a knife and puts it to the man's throat.


Guard:"A research materials container... is here..."

Miller:*Com*"I've updated the info on your iDroid. Take a look."

Snake chokes the guard out and Wolf pulls out her iDroid and she checks the map.

Miller:*Com*"The PF soldiers have no idea what's in those containers. Strictly a need-to-know basis.

Wolf shows Snake her iDroid map and he nods. Wolf then puts her iDroid away.

Then they enters to forest.

Code Talker:*Com*"Tl'iish. Mai-coh. Feel the roots, the branches. Become one with the forest. The forest is aware of the enemies' noise. You must be too."

Wolf sneaks up behind a soldier and she grabs him and chokes him out.

Snake and Wolf make their way to a container and Snake Fulton extracts the first container. 

Miller:*Com*"Target extraction confirmed. That leaves one target to go. Take care of the next one."

Snake and Wolf make their way through the forest. 

Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, our early warning radar just picked up the enemy choppers. We'll keep you both informed of their ETA. Hurry up and extract the target."

Snake and Wolf sneak up behind a couple of guards and they both knock them out.

Ocelot:*Com*"You can't go firing on the XOF choppers. If we attack XOF now, it'll be a declaration of war against Cipher itself. That time will come, but it's not now."

Snake and Wolf sneak their way over to the second container and Wolf Fulton Extracts it.

Miller:*Com*"All right. Target extraction confirmed. We've avoided the worst possible outcome. Exfiltrate the area. Go ahead and call the chopper. You can also exfiltrate the mission area by land. "

Snake pulls out his iDroid and he calls in the chopper just outside the forest. 

They run to the LZ and they wait a little for the chopper and when it gets their Snake, Wolf and Quiet get into the chopper and it leaves the mission area.



Punished "Venom" Snake
Stalking "Maimed" Wolf
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Old Diné "Code Talker"

Lufwa Valley Commander

Zero Risk Security


Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, we got Code Talker's research materials back in one piece. The Medical Team has them under lock and key in the Quarantine Facility. The materials should help their research into the vocal cord parasite. Cipher won't be getting their hands on them now."



657 words

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