What Happened To Wolf

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Episode 4.25

No Surrender


The camera opens up to Wolf on a helicopter. It's early morning. She's wearing a sneaking outfit, like the one she and Snake wore to Save Paz and Chico.

Couple miles North of Vihn, Vietnam
April 7th, 1978 05:34

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Okay, Major, Same Plan as before. Sneak in take out the commander, get the intel and get out."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf"

MSF Soldier:*Com*"They have increased security after what happened last time."

Militaires Sans Frontières Soldiers

MSF Soldier:*Com*"Also from our reports, this is a supply base. So find the supplies and blow them up."

Wolf stands up and walks over to the door and opens it. She knees in the doorway. The helicopter stops is a small clearing and Wolf jumps out.

Kasper:*Com*"Stay safe, Major."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

The helicopter flies off. Wolf looks around and Sniffs the air.

Guest Starring

Spetsnaz Commander
Skull Face

Wolf pulls out her iDroid and checks the mission location.

Featured Mecha
Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"
Mil Mi-24 Hind

Wolf puts her iDroid away and tightens her bandana then she pulls out her assault rifle and starts to walk towards her objective.

Infiltrate the outpost and destroy the supplies and kill the comander

After a few minutes Wolf get near the base.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"You're near the base, Major. Be Careful, we don't know what to expect from them."

Wolf gets to the base and she stops at the edge of the tree line and she pulls out her binoculars and looks around the base. It's surrounded by chain link fences with barbed wire on top. Four guard towers at each corner of the base. One entrance that she can see. She looks behind the base and there's a little cliff overlooking the base. Wolf puts her binoculars away and sneaks her way over to the cliff.

When she gets to the cliff she crawls her way to the edge and pulls out her binoculars and recons the base. She sees a truck with some boxes on the back pull into the base then drive to a building and backs into it.

MSF Soldier:*Com*"That's gotta be where they keep their supplies."

iDroid:"Mission info has been updated."

She looks around and spots some more trucks and some soldiers. She then looks towards the biggest building in the middle of the base and spots an antenna on top and then she looks to the main door and spots someone walking in. It's a Spetsnaz commander.

MGSV: The Maimed WolfKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat