Proxy War/Eli's Escape

46 1 0

Episode 41



In the late evening Snake, Wolf and Quiet are in the chopper. Snake has a Honey bee, on his back.  Wolf is sitting across from Quiet.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"The CFA are assembling an armored column to the north of Nova Braga Airport."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com* "Your job is to wipe them out."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com* "Listen to the tape for the contract details."

Enemy Combatants
The Contract Forces of Africa

Miller:*Com* "Just be aware that the column's commander served with 5 commando, and later made a name for himself in South Africa's 32 Battalion."

Guest Starring
Armored Column Commander

Miller:*Com* "He's a hardened veteran, so don't take him lightly."

Snake stands up and he opens the left door and sits down. Wolf kneels down behind him.

Featured Mecha
Fire Support Vehicle "Stout IFV-FS"
Battle Tank "M84A Magloader"
Utility Helicopter "UTH-66 Blackfoot"

Miller:*Com.* "Boss, Major, I have a report from the Intel Team. The targets are now on the move. I've sent their predicted route on your iDroids. Check your map."

Eliminate the CFA Armored Column

The helicopter arrives at the LZ and Snake, Wolf and Quiet jump out.

Pequod:*Com* "Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies away. Snake and Wolf run towards two tanks. Quiet runs to a new position.

They get to the two tanks and they see them stop.

Snake sneaks to the tank in the back and Wolf sneaks to the tank in the front. They proceed to Fulton extract both Tanks.

Mille:*Com* "Flawless work. You two never cease to amaze."

Snake and Wolf run towards the targets.

Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, we have new targets! Check your iDroid for the details!"

Snake and Wolf get to another tank and they see it stopped on the side of the road. Snake sneaks over to it and Fulton extracts it.

Miller:*Com* "Nice work, Boss! Major! The target are almost history."

Snake and Wolf run to the last tank and after a while of running they see it stopped at an intersection. Wolf goes up behind it and Fulton extracts it.

Miller:*Com*"Just on target left."

Wolf sees a helicopter in the distance and she taps on Snake's arm and points to it. Snake nods and they proceed to chase after it.

They get close and they see it landing at an outpost.

Ocelot:*Com* "That's an enemy gunship. Don't try to take down a gunship from the front. You won't win in a head-to-head shootout. Try to get behind it and take it down with missiles."

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now