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Wolf, Snake, Miller, Ocelot and Quiet are on a platform towards the top of the base. Miller is looking down towards the Diamond Dogs soldiers.

Miller:"At-ten-tion! Diamond Dogs! Even with Skull Face dead, our brothers are unavenged. And the phantom pain he brought us lives on."

Wolf rubs her right prosthetic arm.

Miller:"Cipher, is still out there. We know they've planted spies - parasites - among us. Watch the man to your left, to your right. Assume nothing. Report everything. It's the only way to protect ourselves."

Wolf looks up to the DD flag flapping in the wind.

Miller:"From here on out..."

Miller limps over to the railing and he takes off his glasses. He's almost completely blind.

Miller:"You will be my eyes."

A few helicopters fly over.

Miller:"The deadliest enemy's right here - in our midst."

Miller puts his glasses back on.

Miller:"And they will get no mercy."


Wolf is sitting in a chair in her room. She's looking out a window while smoking a cigar.

Miller:*Com* "Even with Skull Face dead, our pain is still right with us. We need... we need more strength. We need more men. Diamond Dogs needs to be bigger. Missions have come in, too. We still have a long road ahead of us."

Wolf takes the cigar out of her mouth and exhale the smoke.

A gunshot rings out.

Skull Face:*Memory.* "You need to learn that there are consequences to your actions, Wolf."

Wolf clenches her fist and starts to rapidly breath.

Skull Face walks up behind Wolf and puts his hands on her shoulders.

Skull Face:"Let me tell you a little story. Two CIA operatives meet each other in war. They fall in love, leave the CIA and have a child. But a few years later, The CIA wants the two back. But they refuse, because they had a baby. The baby grows up to the right age to be trained. Suddenly one day both parents die in an 'Accident.' The child with no living relatives, no home, no money, No hope. And that child so happens to get in the military at a young age, then after a few years. Mets the apprentice of The Boss."

Wolf shakes her head and Skull Face leans down to her.

Skull Face:"Then the Child is trained by the Apprentice of The Boss and after a few years she joins the CIA."


Skull Face:"The CIA planned your parents death. But you were also were supposed to die, but one person convinced then not to. The Boss, A childhood friend of Freya Leslie. Your whole life was planned out before you were even born."


Wolf drops her cigar and grabs her head.

Skull Face:"Now here the kicker. You're not the first with the code name 'Wolf'"

Wolf grips the sides of her head and Skull Face walks in front of her and she closes her eye.

Skull Face:"Your Mother had the name and so did her mother. There have been Wolf's throughout history. Some of the biggest named historical figures had a Wolf. Cyrus The Great. Confucius. Aristotle. Alexander the great. Augustus Caesar. Marco Polo. Sir Francis Drake. Even Shakespeare. George Washington. Napoleon Bonaparte."

Wolf:"Go away! Get out of my head!"

Skull Face:"They were all hidden from history. You know what they called these group of people. 'The Order Of The Pack'. You are part of that pack now."

Wolf grits her teeth.

Wolf:"You're not real!"

Skull Face:"Then I'll enjoy trying to break you."

Wolf bends over and some tears fall from her closed eye.

Wolf:"You're dead! Gone! Reduced to ashes!"

Skull Face chuckles.

Skull Face:"Am I?"

Wolf opens her eye and looks up. Skull Face is gone.

Wolf stares at the empty space for a few seconds then a low rumble is heard from her throat then he bears her teeth and growls loudly.

Wolf gets up and punches the wall next to her.

Wolf:"Don't listen to him! I don't care what he says. I'm always loyal to Snake."

Wolf removes her fist from the wall and she takes a deep breath.

Wolf:"Temper us in fire, and we grow stronger. When we suffer, we survive."

Wolf bends down and picks her cigar off the ground and she stares out the window and starts to hum.

Wolf:'I only need Snake.'



667 words

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now