Diamond Dogs

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The camera opens up to Snake and Miller on the helicopter. They are nearing Mother Base.

Miller:"Snake...." *Snake looks to him.*

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?"

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:"Every night," *Brings his hand to his missing arm.* "I can feel my leg and my arm...Even my fingers."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller grabs the sleeve of his coat.

Miller:"The body I've lost..."

Diamond Dog Soldiers

Miller:"The comrades I've lost...won't stop hurting." *He lets go of the sleeve.* "It's like they're still there." *Miller slams the ground in anger.*

Miller then grabs Snake's bionic arm.

Miller:"You feel it too, don't you? I'm the one who got caught up with Cipher. So did Wolf. A group above nations... even the U.S." *He grabs Snake's shoulder.* "And I was the parasite below, feeding off Zero's power."

Snake helps Miller into a seat.

Miller:"They got Major.... They came after you in Cyprus....Then Afghanistan. Cipher... just keeps growing. Swallowing everything in its path...Getting bigger and bigger...Who knows how big now? Boss."

Miller stands up and grabs the edge of the door fro support.

Miller:"I'm gonna make 'em give back out past..." *Takes a step to Snake.* "Take back everything that we've lost." *He grabs Snake's shoulder.* "And I won't rest...until we do."

Pequod:"Approaching Mother Base."

Snake grabs Miller's arm. Miller falls to the ground and looks out the door. More helicopters come and escort them.

Miller:"Our new Mother Base."

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Command Platform

Miller:"I don't know how long it'll take," *They look at Mother Base and it's just a single platform.* "But I'll make it bigger, bigger than before."

Snake:"Kaz, What should I do?"


Snake looks to Miller.

Snake:"Tell me...Tell me like you used to."


Episode 2



They start to land at Mother Base and so do the other helicopters. An alarm is going off around the base. The helicopter lands and Snake jumps out and grabs Miller and helps him out.

Miller:"Things've changed, Boss. We pull in money, recruits, just to combat Cipher... Rubbing our noses in bloody battlefield dirt, all for revenge."

Snake and Miller walk forward, With Snake helping Miller.

Miller:"The world calls for wetwork, and we answer."

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