A Hero's Way/Interpreter

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Episode 3 

A Hero's Way

The camera opens up to Snake in the helicopter and it's flying over Afghanistan, at night time.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Your target is a Spetsnaz detachment commander."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"Your orders are to take him out. With skills like his, it'd be a shame to waste him..."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"But I'll leave the method up to you. Boss."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment 

Miller:*Com*"Make your way to Da Shago Kallai, and eliminate the target."

Snake gets up and opens the door to the helicopter and sits.

Guest Starring
The Spetsnaz Commander

The helicopter stops and Snake jumps out.

Eliminate the Spetsnaz Commander

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss!"

Pequod flies away and Snake gets on D-Horse and starts to ride towards the objective. D-Horse stops running as a couple of wolves are in front of him.

Miller:*Com*"Say, Boss, you seen many animals in the field? Truth is, an environments NGO has asked us to remove wild animals from combat zones. If you have the time, can you extract some back here? There's a reward in it for us."

Snake pulls out his WU S.Pistol and he tranquilizes both Wolves and he gets off D-Horse and he goes over and Fulton extracts them. Then he goes over and gets on D-Horse and starts to head towards the objective.

iDroid:"Extraction arrived at Mother Base."

Snake stops D-Horse on a hill overlooking a guard post and he takes out his binoculars and spots a couple of guards. He gets off D-Horse and sneaks his way in. He crawls his way in avoiding the guards. He then knocks both the guards out.

iDroid:"Guard post captured."

Snake then goes around and grabs the Resources around the area. Then he starts running towards the objective. 

Northern Kabul. Afghanistan
Shago Village (Da Shago Kallai)

Snake is a little ways outside of the Village and he pulls out his binoculars and starts to recon the area. Then Snake starts to make his way into the village.

Miller:*Com*"You have arrived at the objective. Your target should be somewhere in that outpost. And don't forget, he has a Spetsnaz recon detail with him. Keep your guard up."

Snake sneaks into the outpost and on his way he finds a diamond and he grabs it.

Miller:*Com*"Those are raw diamonds. Collecting them as assets will raise out GMP."

Snake then makes his way into the village and after some looking he finds the commander

Miller:*Com*"That's the target."

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