Wolf Tape

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The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting under the gun rack with her eye closed. Snake pulls out his iDroid and starts a tape.

Wolf's Awakening

The sounds of a door opening is heard and two sets of footsteps and a cane are heard walking.

Ocelot:*Tape.* "Wolf."

Miller:*Tape.* "Major, it's good to see your awake."

Wolf:*Tape.* "Where's Snake?"

Ocelot:*Tape.* "He's out on a mission."

Wolf huffs.

It's silent for a few seconds.

Ocelot:*Tape* "How do you feel?"

Then sheets being rustled is heard.

Wolf:*Tape.*"Look at me, do I look okay."

Miller:*Tape* "How about emotionally."

Wolf is heard growling.

Wolf:*Tape.* "I feel really pissed off, like I want to hurt something."

Then the sounds of paper being shuffled is heard.

Wolf:*Tape.* "What's this?"

Ocelot:*Tape.* "An X-Ray. You're X-Ray."

Miller:*Tape.* You see that object in your head."


Ocelot:*Tape.* "You have a 2 inch piece of metal in your prefrontal cortex. The area of the brain that controls actions and also emotions."

It's silent for a second.

Wolf:*Tape.* "So you're saying I'm feeling really angry because of a piece of metal in my head?"

Miller:*Tape.* "Putting it bluntly, yes."

Ocelot:*Tape.* "You may feel really happy one moment then extremely angry the next. You're movement could also be affected, but we'll just have to see."

It's silent for a few more seconds.

Wolf:*Tape.* "Fuck."

Wolf sighs.

Wolf:*Tape.* "How, am I supposed to do anything with only one limb." *She laughs.* "I'm a fucking Maimed Wolf."

Miller:*Tape.* "We could use this to our advantage."

it's silent for a second

Wolf:*Tape.* "What?"

Miller:*Tape.* "We can get you some prosthetics, and get you back out in the field. To show our enemies that even if were injured we'll just get back up and fight."

Ocelot:"And Maimed Wolf has a nice ring to it."

The tape ends.



303 words

MGSV: The Maimed WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz