First Mission

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The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf in the helicopter. Wolf is sitting at the right door, under the gun rack. 

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Aerial Command Center

Snake opens his iDroid and starts up a mission.


Episode 8



The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf in the helicopter in the morning. Wolf is sitting on the chairs next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"This mission has two objectives."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com* "'Eliminate' the colonel scheduled to take up a post at Smasei Fort, and stop the deployment of his tank unit."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"Both of Your first moves should be to head to Sakhra Ee Village and search for the colonel and his deployment plans."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Snake stands up and opens the left helicopter door and sits down. Wolf crouches right behind him.

Guest Starring
Sakhra Ee Village Colonel

Featured Mecha
Battle Tank "TT77 Nosorog"

The helicopter gets to the LZ.

Eliminate the Colonel and His Tanks

Snake and Wolf hop of the helicopter.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off and Snake and Wolf hop on D-Horse. Snake sitting at the front with Wolf behind him. Wolf pulls out her iDroid and checks the map.

Ocelot:*Com*"Boss, Major, to take out enemy combat  vehicles, you'll want to use explosive weaponry. Missiles, grenades, place explosives....If you haven't developed these yet, use your iDroid to give the order. Choose your weapon according to the situation."

Wolf shows Snake the map and he nods and she puts her iDroid away. Snake start to ride to the objective and a little ways from the LZ they encounter Wolves. Snake stops the horse and Wolf pats his shoulder and Wolf hops of D-Horse. 

She pulls out her WU S.Pistol and the Wolves notice her and they start to growl at her and she growls back louder. One of the Wolves get scared and starts to whine while the other challenges Wolf and the Wolf runs at Major and it jumps at her, but she grabs the wolf and throws it on the ground knocking it out. Then she quickly turns to the other wolf and tranquilizes it. 

Wolf reloads her WU S.Pistol but misses the magazine and it falls on the ground and she picks it up and puts it in the gun. She then fultons both the wolves and walks back to Snake and gets on D-Horse. She and Snake ride a little on ahead then stop in a valley and get off D-Horse and they walk from there.

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