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(Wolf's outfit is usually just the Diamond Dog or Whatever camo, but the shirt is fully unbuttoned. So it's kinda like what The Boss did in MGS3. Except Wolf is wearing a bra.)

The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf on the helicopter. It's arriving at mother base. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door.

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, a certain scientist has contacted us wanting to defect from the East. His name... is Emmerich."

Wolf growls.

Miller:*Com*"That's right. The man we knew as Huey. We suspect he was complicit in the attack on Mother Base nine years ago."

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf crouches behind him.

Miller:*Com*"He was working with Cipher. ....I've been waiting a long time for this. So I say, let's help Emmerich defect. Once he's here, we can sit down and catch up on old times. Emmerich is currently at Serak Power Plant. This is our chance. Boss, Major, head for the power plant."

When the helicopter gets to the helipad. Snake and Wolf see four soldiers and they salute as they hop off the helicopter.

Command Platform

Soldier:"Boss, Major. Welcome Back!"

Wolf:"At ease."

The soldiers walk off and Snake and Wolf go to the shower. Snake goes in first and Wolf wait for him. She looks at the Idol Girl poster next to the shower. She looks around to see if anyone's watching and no one is. She grabs the poster and folds it up and puts it in her pocket. Snake gets out of the shower and Wolf goes in. 

After Wolf is done showering Snake and Wolf go to a railing and Snake opens his iDroid and does some staff assigning and other things. Wolf pulls out a Cuban Cigar and she brings up her right pointer finger and it flicks open and a flame comes out. Wolf lights her cigar and flicks her finger closed. She closes her eyes and enjoys the cigar.

A little while later Wolf feels a shake on her shoulder and she opens her eyes and sees Snake in front of her.

Snake:"Let's go."

Snake walks to the helicopter and Wolf is confused and she checks her watch. It's been a couple of hours apparently. Wolf pulls her cigar out of her mouth and looks at it.

Wolf:"Man, time flies."

Snake and Wolf walk to the chopper and they hear a bark behind them.

Ocelot:"DD, stay!"

Snake and Wolf turn around.


They see a fully grown DD next to Ocelot. DD has an eye patch on his right eye.

Ocelot:"Fully trained and ready for action. The rest is up to you two. DD, go!" *Ocelot points to the helicopter.*

DD barks and runs around then jumps into the helicopter and Snake and Wolf walk to the helicopter and before they get in they look at Ocelot. Then back to DD. Snake puts his hand out and DD licks it.

Ocelot:"He's going with you two."

Snake and Wolf look at Ocelot then they get into the helicopter. DD walks to the front part of the helicopter and sits down. Snake closes the door and sits down. The helicopter takes off and Ocelot waves at them. DD barks and Wolf sits down under the gun rack.

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