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The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf on D-Horse. They are heading towards the Power Plant. When they get near Snake and Wolf hop of D-Horse and continue on foot.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Serak Power Plant

Snake and Wolf sneak into the area.

Miller:*Com*"You've made it to Sarak Power Plant. Emmerich should be beyond the at the northern edge of the facility. We have no idea what he's doing back there...But let's go find out."

Snake and Wolf take out a few guards and extract them. Snake and Wolf find a big red gate and a small red door next to it. Snake and Wolf head through the red door.


Snake opens the door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Wolf and Snake walk through the door and Snake slowly close the red door.

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

The gate suddenly opens and Snake and Wolf take cover.

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

A truck drives through the gate.

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

The camera follows the truck.

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

The truck drives into a tunnel and Sahelanthropus can be seen.

Guest Starring
Dr. "Huey" Emmerich
Skull Face
Tretij Rebenok

Huey:"Just a minute!"

Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"

Huey:"This isn't what we agreed on!"

Skull Face:"The changes have already been finalized."

Huey:"It's not operational yet."

The camera heads up some stairs.

Huey:"The remote piloting and A.I. control haven't reached the application stage."

Skull Face:"Who said anything about A.I.?"

The camera shows Skull Face and Huey talking. There is a soldier standing next to them. Huey has a exoskeleton on his legs.

Skull Face:"That was Coldman's mistake ten years ago."

Huey:"Be that as it may, we'll need to modify postural control to accommodate a human pilot." *Huey turns to Sahelanthropus.* "I share your urgency. But..we need more time to finish it."

Skull Face looks to the soldier and he walks up to him and whispers to Skull Face.

Soldier:"We analyzed the transmission log - he's been in contact with Big Boss and The Major."

Skull Face:"Right."

Skull Face walks up behind Huey and hits his exo legs.

Skull Face:"Planning on leaving us, Doctor."

Huey is speechless and Skull Face then spins Huey so his back is facing the stairs.

Skull Face:"I'm taking your 'legs' back."

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now