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The camera opens up to Wolf standing on top of the tank. She's looking off to the distance. Snake is standing near the tank on his iDroid.

Ocelot:*Com*"Boss, Major, this is important. We've got reports of a crack sniper at large in the Afghan wilderness. The Soviets call this sniper Tixij - "Quiet." There are never any sightings, and only corpses are left behind... The Soviets have already lost a number of officers. You'd uh... best watch your step."

Snake calls in the helicopter and Wolf hops off the tank and puts C4 on it. Snake calls in D-Horse and they get on and ride away. Once they get far enough Wolf blows up the C4 and an explosion is heard in the distance. After a little bit Snake and Wolf get to the LZ and get on the helicopter and leave the area.


Snake and Wolf are on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting under the gun rack, smoking a cuba cigar.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Aerial Command Center

Snake pulls out his iDroid and listens to a few tapes.

Wolf's Personality Change.

Ocelot:*Tape*"I've noticed a change in Wolf."

Miller:*Tape*"How so?"

Ocelot:*Tape.*"She's more aggressive and more rash then she usually would be."

Miller:*Tap*"The doctor did say that her personality could change."

Ocelot:*Tape*"Well I worry for her. This could lead to bad examples for the men."

Miller:*Tape*"But there is one thing that will never change about her."


Miller:*Tape.*"She admires Snake so much that she would never go against his orders. She sees him as a father figure."

Ocelot:*Tape*"So what are you saying?"

Miller:*Tape*"We use Boss as a way to keep her in check."

Ocelot:*Tape*"Your saying you don't trust, The Major."

Miller:*Tape*"I do. I just don't want her to go down the wrong path."

The tape ends. Snake looks over to Wolf and she has her eye close. She then opens her eye and notices Snake looking at her and she tilts her head. Snake then pulls out his iDroid and selects a mission.


Episode 9


The camera opens up to Snake and Wolf in the chopper in the evening. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door. Snake has a rocket launcher. 

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, your objective is to eliminate as many enemy combat vehicles as you can."

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"For this mission,"

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"We're backup for the guerrillas offensive. That means our mission isn't over until theirs it."

MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now