The Man Who Sold The World

108 2 3

(Where right back where we started. It's been almost five months since I did the first episode of this book. I'm also rewriting parts of the mission, not copying and pasting.

This is also gonna be a long episode.)

March 16th, 1975 13:31
Hospital Mena de Barranquilla, Colombia

??? POV

I hear heart rate monitors and I open my eyes. Everything is slightly blurry. I look to my left and I see Commander Miller and Big Boss

Miller:"Don't you die on me, Damn it!"

The heart rate monitor flatlines

Big Boss

Doctor 1:"B.P's dropping!"

Doctor 2:"Incubate, Now!"

Doctor 3:"Cardiac arrest! He's in V-Fib!"

I see a bloody FOX badge on Boss's Shoulder.

The Major

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

The doctor grabs some defibrillators and charges them up.

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Doctor 1:"Clear!"

The doctor shocks Boss, but the monitor still is flatlining. A doctor begins to do chest compressions.

Punished "Venom" Snake

The doctor stops and he looks to the heart rate monitor and so do I. There is no change.

Enemy Combatants
Cipher's "XOF" Strike Force

Doctor 2:"No response! Hit him again!"

The doctor charges up the defibulators.

Guest Starring
The Man on Fire
Tretij Rebenok
Sniper "Quiet"
"Paz" Pacifica Ocean 

Doctor 1:"Clear!"

The doctor shocks Boss again and his heart rate returns to normal.

Featured Mecha
Fire Support Vehicle "Stout IFV-FS"
Utility Helicopter "UTH-66 Blackfoot"

Miller:"How's he doing?!"

The doctors check over Boss.

Doctor 3:"Well, he's stabilized, but it took too long... He's in a coma."

I see Miller looking at me and he nods his head towards me.

Miller:"What about him?!"

The doctor turns around and looks down at me.

Doctor 3:"He... He took some shrapnel - to the head...."


Facts do not exist, there are only interpretations

----- Friedrich Nietzsche

Episode 46


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