Truth Tape: I'm Sorry

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(Set when Wolf was in the hospital, waiting for her prosthetics) 

Wolf is sitting up in her hospital bed and she's looking at a tape in her hand. Wolf rubs her thumb over the tape.


Wolf sets the tape down on her lap and grabs a walkmen on a table that's at the side of her bed.

Wolf inserts the tape into the walkman and she looks at it for a few seconds then presses play.

There is a sigh heard.

Boss:*Tape.* "Kept you waiting Huh?" 

He chuckles then sighs.

Boss:*Tape.* "I don't know what to say. I could start with I'm sorry, but it doesn't feel like enough. Isla. We've known each other for a very long time, but I need you to trust me this one last time, please. You may hate me fore this and even resent me, but just, trust me.

I have no idea where you currently are or what is happening to you. But I know you'll pull through. You're too stubborn to just die. But it won't be me that finds you, as you already know. Because if your hearing this then, my phantom has found you.

I need you to trust him, treat him as if he were actually me. He is me, me and him are the same. We're both big Boss.

While I was watching over him there were so many times I wanted to get up and leave, just to see you again, But I had to stick to my plan.

I'm gonna make that nation for soldiers we talked about all those years ago. And you're gonna help me with it, just not directly.

I'll be working from the shadows while you and him make all the noise. We'll finally have The Boss's dream come true. This will probably be the last time you'll ever hear from me.

But I know we'll meet again one day, if it's in person or.... fuck. This is hard. 

It just won't feel the same, god knows how much I want to see you again. I have to go now, so please. Help him, he'll need you.

This is goodbye, Isla.

I- I love you."

The tape ends and Wolf stares down at her walkman.

Wolf:"Goodbye, Jack. I love you too."


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