Gone Quiet

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(Warning there is attempted rape in this chapter. No worries, his neck gets snapped.

Snake and Wolf are on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting in seats next to the right window and she's cleaning her gun.

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Aerial Command Center

Ocelot:*Com* "Boss, major, maybe you've realized this by now, but... There's no other way to say it, Quiet's gone. She pulled her camo stunt and stowed away on a departing chopper. After pinpointing which she took, we figured out her destination. Afghanistan. Get after her. Only you two can do this."

Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, I told you this would happen. I wish I could say 'Good riddance.' But Quiet knows too much about us. We can't just leave her out there! Remember what you told me when she first got here? 'One of these days we're gonna have to kill her.' 'When the time comes, I'll pull the trigger.' ....I'd say that time has come."

Snake pulls out his iDroid and he selects the Side-Op.


Snake and Wolf are in the chopper; it's Mid-Day. Wolf is in the seats next to the right door.

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan

Snake stands up and opens the right door and sits down. Wolf looks outside from her seat.

The helicopter gets to the LZ and they jump out.

Pequod:*Com* "Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off. Snake and Wolf head to a nearby outpost, that's in the middle of the objective area.

They see the outpost down the road and they pull out their binoculars and recon the area.

Snake and Wolf spot a few guards. Then they put their binoculars away and sneak over to the outpost.

Ocelot:*Com* "Quiet should be around there somewhere."

Snake pulls out his tranq sniper and he snips the guard in the tower. Then they both sneak over to the outpost and pull out their W.U S.Pistols and knock out the guards in the outpost.

They enter the building and it's empty.

Ocelot:*Com* "Quiet isn't there? COuld she have been moved somewhere?"

Snake spots some papers and he taps on Wolf's arm and points to them.

Wolf nods and they both head over. Snake pulls out his iDroid and scans the files. They upload to his iDroid and he sends them off.

iDroid:"Intel file obtained."


Episode 45



Snake and Wolf are in the chopper and it's around evening. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door; she's readying her pistol.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Ocelot:*Com* "Boss, Major, we've gone over the prisoner transport log you two found."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

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