Last Day In Outer Heaven

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(Here it is. The End of Wolf's story. I've been waiting to do this episode since the middle of my Metal Gear Solid PW book. Now shall we see our dear Wolf. One Last Time.)

We see Wolf, who is now old and has mostly white hair, and Venom Snake. They're both sitting against the wall, knocked out. Blood is pooling under then and some is splattered against the wall.

Wolf is on Snake's right. her and Snake are both covered in blood.

A golden butterfly flies past them and they both wake up.

Snake:"What...what happened?"

Wolf and Snake remember their fight with Solid Snake and Satisfied Wolf.

Wolf and Snake both pull out cigars.

Wolf:"Yes... I remember now."

They get a call on their codec and they answer. The screen splits in half. We see Big Boss and a familiar redhead, Alex.

Alex is standing next to Boss looking at the radio he's holding.

Boss:"Hello, Ahab, Isla."

Snake:"Ishmael... you've really kept me waiting."

Alex:"hey, mom."

Wolf:"Alex?" *She chuckles.* "Haven't heard from you in a while."

Boss:"I just wanted you two to know that I and Alex made it out safely."

Wolf brings up her prosthetic arm and flicks her pointer finger open, a flame flickers on and she lighter her cigar and closes her finger.

Boss:"They won't suspect a thing. You both played your roles perfectly."

A song starts to play through Snake's walkman.

Wolf:"I see. That's good."

Snake:"So at least we've done something right here."

Boss hums.

Boss:"I never expected them to succeed."

Snake:"Then it seems that Solid Snake and Satisfied Wolf were more competent than either of us gave them credit for."

Wolf:"Quite a heavy tuition for such a meager lesson."

Snake:"It's over. They've destroyed the Metal Gear and activated the self-destruct sequence."

Wolf:"Outer Heaven will go up in smoke in a matter of minutes..."

Snake:"...And the public will think that Big Boss and The Major died with it."

Boss:"I see. Are you sure you two can't make an escape?"

Wolf looks down to her prosthetic legs. Her right leg is gone and her left is severely damaged.

Snake:"Positive. He got me good. I can't feel my lower body."

Wolf:"She got me good, too. Both my legs are destroyed."

Snake:"This is it for me, Ishmael. No amount of digoxin will get me up this time."

Alex:"You have to try, Mom. Try to get back up and fight."

Wolf chuckles.

Wolf:"I've been fighting for so long, I don't even remember what it's like to not fight. I got none left in me."

Boss:"Outer Heaven won't die with you. As long as a man and Woman carrying the name of Big Boss and The Major are alive, there will always be someone striving to create a nation for soldiers. Are you familiar with Zanzibar Land?"

Snake:"How could I not? Tselinoyarsk - the location of our first and last mission as part of FOX unit."

Wolf takes a few breaths.

Wolf:"Last I heard of it they split off of the Soviet Union and became their own state."

Boss:"No, never mind. It's not something you two need to worry about anymore. Don't worry, I'll keep our dream alive. From today onward, the name of Big Boss and The Major is something you two no longer have to bear."



Wolf takes a few breaths and she coughs.

Wolf:"You shall inherit my title. You'll become the next Major."

Alex fights back tears.

Alex:"Thank you. Thank you."


Wolf:"Yes, Jack."

Boss:"I have one final mission for you."

Wolf coughs.

Wolf:"Anything, Jack."

Boss sighs.

Boss:"Please, just rest. You've earned it."

Wolf nods.

Wolf:"Yes, sir."

Boss:"Thank you, Ahab, Isla, and goodbye."

Alex closes her eyes and a few tears fall from her eyes.

Alex:"Goodbye, Mom."

Wolf:"Goodbye, Jack, Alex."

Snake:"So out mission is finally coming to an end."

Wolf:"After so long."

Snake takes a few breaths.

Snake:"It was my pleasure Ishmael. No...Big Boss."

They cut communication and Snake turns off his walkman.

Wolf grabs Snake's right hand with her left.

Wolf:"Just one last time."

Snake:"Permission granted."

Wolf:"It's been an honor serving with you, Snake."

Snake:"It's also been an honor serving with you, Wolf."

Wolf coughs a few times and Snake takes deep breaths. They hear footsteps and a familiar humming.

They look to see Quiet standing above them.

Snake:"I see..."

Wolf:"So you... you've come to pick us up then."

Quiet kneels down to the two and puts a hand on both their cheeks.

Snake:"I guess...."

Snake's and Wolf's eyes slowly close.

Wolf:"....Our battle...."

Snake:"...really is over...."

They close their eyes.



693 words

Man, that was emotional to write. To see one of my favorite characters die is a little hard. But if you stuck around this long, I've touched, you must really love the Metal Gear series. So thank you for reading this and sticking through to the end.

But, here's the end of Wolf's story.

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