The Man On Fire

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The camera opens up to Show Snake and Wolf on the helicopter. Wolf is sitting under the gun rack. She looking at her M60.

Miller:*Com*"Got a new mission for you two, Boss. Major. The 'client' is one of the kids you two rescued from that mine. According to the kids, people often disappear from the mine to a place called 'Nzo ya Badiabulu' - The Devil's House... On top of that, SANR's involved with the place. Check you iDroid for the mission details."

Snake opens his iDroid and he selects a mission.


Episode 20



Snake and Wolf are on the helicopter at nighttime. Wolf is sitting at the seats next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com*"The target is Shabani."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"He was the leader of the boys being forced to work at the mine."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"He was separated from the others and taken away to Ngumba Industrial Zone."

Enemy Combatants
Rogue Coyote

Miller:*Com* "The locals call this place 'Nzo ya Badiabulu' - the Devil's House. Boss, Major. Find Shabani, and extract him safely."

Snake stands up and opens the left door and sits down. Wolf kneels behind him.

Guest Starring
Skull Face
The Man on Fire
Tretij Rebenok

Miller:*Com* "You can check the target's location on your iDroid."

Rescue Shabani

The helicopter arrives at the LZ and Snake and Wolf jump out.

Pequod:"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off and Snake and Wolf walk over to D-Horse and get on. They ride off towards their objective.

Ocelot:*Com*"An outpost in a sunken road... Munoko ya Nioka - 'the Snake's Mouth.' I get it. Looks like that's the only way to the objective area."

They arrive outside the outpost and Wolf pulls out her iDroid and recons the outpost. She spots a guard in the tower and a soldier standing next to a barrel fire. Snake and Wolf hop off D-Horse and sneak into the base. Wolf takes out the soldier by the fire and Snake goes and takes out the guard in the tower.

They fulton the soldiers and Wolf sees some material containers and she goes over and fulton's them. Snake and Wolf head up the road and Wolf sniffs the air and spots a few soldiers. Snake pulls out his iDroid and calls in DD.

Snake and Wolf go around and take out the soldiers in the outpost and fulton them. Wolf also finds more material containers and she fultons them.


MGSV: The Maimed WolfWhere stories live. Discover now