Red Brass

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The camera opens up to Snake gets on the chopper and it flies away. While the helicopter is flying off he spots Wolf, sitting in her wheelchair with a blanket covering her, at the top of the base. She's watching him fly off and after a few seconds Snake stands up and closes the helicopter door.


Mother Base, Seychelles Water
Aerial Command Center

Snake opens up his iDroid and goes over to the base facilities tab and constructs a intel Platform. Then he goes over and starts up a mission. 


Episode  7


The camera opens Snake in the helicopter and it's early evening. 

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"The three Soviet commanders are meeting at Da Wialo Kallai."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com"The mission is to eliminate all three."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"How you do it is up to you, Boss. Good luck."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Snake stands up opens the helicopter door and sits in the doorway.

Guest Starring
      Wialo Company Commander
        Shago Platoon  Commander
Wakh Sind Platoon Commander

Miller:*Com*"I've sent the targets anticipated travel routes and the meeting location to your map. Take a look."

Snake opens his iDroid and he looks at the route. The helicopter makes it to the LZ and Snake closes his iDroid and he hops off the chopper.

Eliminate the Three Commander

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss!"

The helicopter flies off. Snake gets on D-Horse and he travels to a spot in the route and he stops D-Horse and he runs down to the rood and place a C4 down and runs back up the hill and goes prone and waits

After a few seconds the car comes down the rode and right before it gets in range of the C4, Snake sets off the C4 and the car stops. Snake pulls out his WU S.Pistol and knocks all three soldiers out. Snake runs up to them and fulton extracts all three of them.

Miller:*Com* "First target extracted, Good. Mow for the other two."

Snake checks his iDroid for the other route and he then puts away his iDroid and runs over to D-Horse and gets on him. Snake then rides off towards the outpost.

After sime riding, Snake makes it to the outpost and does some recon and spots a few soldiers. 

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Wialo Village (Da Wialo Kallai)

Then he sneaks his way around the right side of the base and he spots a commander.

Miller:*Com* "That's the target. Looks like we found him."

Snake sneaks along some building and towards the commander. Snake crawls along the ground and pulls out his WU S.Pistol and shoots the commander and all the guards. 

Then Snake spots a soldier running up to a fallen guard.

Miller:*Com*"There, That's the target."

Snake Shoots the commander in the head and knocks him out. Snake then extracts one of the commanders. 

Miller:*Com*:Target extracted, Only one left."

Snake then goes over and fulton extracts the other commander.

Miller:*Com*"Target extracted. We'll let the client know he's been 'Dealt With'."

iDroid:"Mission info has been updated."

Miller:*Com*"Exfiltrate out of the hot zone, by chopper or on land."

Snake sneaks his way out of the outpost and then calls in the chopper.

iDroid:"Support helicopter, requested."


Snake gets on D-Horse and makes his way to the LZ. When Snake gets to the LZ he gets on the helicopter and it flies off.



Punished "Venom" Snake
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Wialo Company Commander
Shago platoon Commander
Wakh Sind Platoon Commander

The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment


Miller:*Com*"Ocelot got the details of the meeting out of that commander. It seems you've been doing your job just a little too well, Boss. The Soviets have begun reinforcing the 40th Army's units in Afghanistan. Sending in more men, and new equipment... While things haven't exactly been easy for us up till now, they're about to get even tougher."


Miller:*Com*"More staff from each of the reams are active in the area of operations now. That means some will be wounded, get sick, or suffer PTSD. That's where the Medical Tea, comes in. I've taken the liberty of commissioning the construction of a new medical platform. Having proper medical facilities for the men is a matter of life or death, so I've put up the resources this time around. We also moved Wolf over there, so she can finish up her treatment. She'll be clear for duty pretty soon."



738 words.

MGSV: The Maimed WolfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz