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Episode 31



The Floating Boy flies over Snake and Wolf.

Miller:*Com*"Hey, Snake, Wolf, there's something wrong with Eli."

The floating boy flies towards Sahelanthropus.The man on Fire turns around and walks towards Sahelanthropus as its platform starts to move.

Sahelanthropus's platform is about to run over the man on fire.

Skull Face:"Wait...!"

The platform runs the man on fire over over and he roars.

Sahelanthropus wakes up and it takes a step off the platform and crushes a soldier.

The XOF soldiers aim their guns atv Sahelanthropus.

Skull Face:"Wait... Who is doing this?"

Two XOF soldiers start to drag Skull Face out of the hanger.

Skull Face:"Such a lust for revenge... Who?!"

The rest of the XOF soldiers open fire on Sahelanthropus.

The floating boy hovers next to Sahelanthropus for a few seconds then he disappears.

Snake and Wolf use this chance to take cover as a few soldiers shoot at them.

Sahelanthropus crushes the soldiers that were shooting at the two.

Snake and WOlf get up and run away and take cover behind a truck and they peek over and Sahelanthropus is leaning down to them, looking at them.

Sahelanthropus roars at them.

Snake and Wolf run away and Sahelanthropus follows them. Wolf rips off her muzzle and tosses it to the side. 

Sahelanthropus gets stuck in the narrow mountain path. Snake and Wolf stop running and look to it and it stares back at them.

Then Sahelanthropus stands up to its full height and frees itself. The masked boy floats next to Sahelanthropus's head and it looks down to them.

Snake and Wolf start to run away and Sahelanthropus walks after them. They make it through the gate and take cover.

Queequeg:*Com*"PRF anomaly."

Snake and Wolf look to the helicopter.

Queequeg:*Com*"Queequeg is outbound, departing AO for now."

The helicopter flies off.

Wolf peeks around her cover and sees Skull face and a group of soldiers at a couple of jeeps. The XOF soldiers aim their guns at Sahelanthropus.

Skull Face:"All units move in!"

Sahelanthropus comes walking towards them. XOF tanks and choppers show up and the tanks start shooting Sahelanthropus. 

The tanks do little to hurt Sahelanthropus and it roars as more blasts hit it. Sahelanthropus starts to shoot it's dual miniguns at the sides of its head.

Snake and Wolf take this chance to run and the tanks blow up.

Then Sahelanthropus unsheathes its nano-fiber archaea blade and it slams the ground and Metallic Archaea rocks shoot out of the ground and explode. A helicopter flies in and starts to shoot rockets at Sahelanthropus.

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