Emmerich's Exile

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Miller:*Com* "Boss, Major, you there? We have a problem. The staff have found out everything that Emmerich's been up to. They're right on the edge. I need you to intervene before things get out of control. Get back to Mother Base ASAP."


Everyone is in Huey's hanger. He's tied up, waiting for his fate to be decided. Ocelot is at the front of the group.

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
"Room 101," Level 1, Warehouse 01. Command Platform

Ocelot:"Nine years ago, this man acted as an accomplice to the attack on Mother Base. He then provided support to Skull Face. Conspiring with Eli, he repaired Sahelanthropus in secret. His 'research materials' caused the leak at the quarantine facility."

Snake and Wolf walk to the front of the group.

Ocelot:"Which in turn caused the Wolbachia mutation, letting the parasites off their chains. We lost a lot of good men. He also stands accused of murdering one of his own family, hiding the body."

Huey looks at him.

Huey:"I haven't killed anyone. The rest is all wrong, too. The inspection was supposed to help everyone! I sacrificed myself for my companions just as much as any of you... Why won't you believe me?!"

Wolf growls as she goes to step forward, but Snake puts his arm up; stopping her.

Miller limps through the crowd and he stands in front of Huey.

Miller:"The prosecution calls a witness."

Metal sounds ate hears and the A.I. Pod is moved over by a crane.

Miller:"Strangelove's gravestone. Haunted by her phantom."

Huey:"It's just a machine..."

The pod turns on and flashes red. It starts a recording and it sounds like someone is banging on the A.I. Pod.

Strangelove:*Recording.* "Open this thing! Huey! Damn it, Huey! Open it now! Please... Let me out... Kill me..."

The message echos.

Miller:"It recorded it all."

Miller throws some photos on the ground. They are of Strangelove, Huey and their son Hal.

Miller:"Everything... Everything you did living together."

Miller stomps his cane on a picture of Huey.

Huey:"How could a machine...?"

Miller:"You forced your own son into the cockpit of a Metal Gear. A test subject."


Miller:"His mother had to hide him away..."

Miller looks to the A.I. Pod.

Miller:"And for that you locked her in that coffin."

Huey:"No! She... She did it herself! It was suicide! ...And even if I did, what right do you have?"

Miller walks back to the crowd.

Miller:"There's more. We have you to tell us everything you've done - everything you've thought - all this time. Nine years ago, You agreed to the inspection in return for Cipher's guarantee that you'd be spared."

Huey:"I thought it was real!"

Miller limps back to Huey.

Miller:"You gave Skull Face the location of Wolf and our remaining brother's base in Vietnam." 

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