Truth Tape: Secret recording between Wolf and Zero

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Tape Starts

Footsteps echo and they seem to be getting closer. Then a door is heard slamming open.

Zero:"Ah, Wolf. You came."

Wolf:"Where is he."

Zero:"Come sit."

A loud slam is heard.

Wolf:"Where is he!"

Zero:"I recommend you calm down."

Wolf growls.

Wolf:"You called me all the way out here. In the middle of nowhere."

Zero:"It is a private and secure location. We're completely alone. You came along and so did I.

A metal clicking is heard.

Wolf:"Tell me where he is or I'll kill you."

Zero:"I do advise you put the gun down and sit down, so we can talk."

Wolf growls and Zero sighs. A tapping sound is heard and a loud slam is heard and many footsteps with many metal clicks are heard.

Wolf:"You lied."

Zero:"It's just a precaution in case the Wolf went Feral. Now put the gun down and sit down."

Its silent for a few seconds the a loud metal clunk is heard and a thud.

Zero:"Thank you."

Wolf:"What do you want."

Zero:"Can't an old friend call another old friend to have a nice chat."

It's silent for a few seconds.

Wolf:"There's five guns trained at my head and we're certainly not friends." 

Zero:"You can't still be mad about that?"

Wolf growls and a slam is heard.

Wolf:"You knew about the Mission that was given to The Boss!"

A metal screech is heard.

Wolf:"Snake was forced to kill her, because of it!"

A few weapons click and Wolf growls.

Zero:"Now now, that's all in the past. We have more important matters to talk about."

Wolf huffs and a thud is heard.

Wolf:"Do you at least have a cigar."

A shuffle is heard and a lighter turns on.


The lighter turns off and Wolf breaths out.

Zero:"Now about, Snake. He's fine and alive, but I had him taken to a secure location."

Wolf:"Do I get to know where this secure location is?"

Zero:"No, it's for your benefit that you don't."

Wolf groans. 

Zero:"He's being watched over by a mutual friend. Someone I trust dearly, you know him well."

Wolf:"Who is it?"


Wolf:"Him? I haven't heard from him in years."

Zero:"But Snake's currently in a coma, but when he wakes up, you'll be one of the first to know. The code Word will be 'V has come to.'"

Wolf chuckles.

Wolf:"Is this the only thing you came to talk about."

Zero:"No, the children-"

Wolf growls.

Wolf:"That was started without my permission."

Zero:"It was for the benefit of everyone."

Wolf:"Everyone! More like for your benefit. Create the perfect soldiers that you can control from the shadows. If any of those kids turn out to be like me, you'll never be able to control her. Only one will inherit my title."

Zero:"And which one do you think will be the one to inherit your title as 'The Major'."

Wolf breathes out. 

Wolf:"The one that as some of Jack's DNA in her."


Wolf:"That's her name. Yeah, she'll become an unstoppable soldier, with most of my DNA and part of Snake's. She'll be a force to recon with."

Zero:"What about the others?"

Wolf:"The other two clones of mine. All three will fight and only one can win. There can only be one Wolf at a time, that's what it's always has been and what it always will be."

Zero:"And what happens when it comes time for them to take up the name Wolf and you're still alive?"

Wolf chuckles.

Wolf:"May the best Wolf win, but I won't go down easily."

Zero:"Yes, you're too stubborn to die, so easily."

Wolf:"Yeah, your little follower Skull Face tried 4 years ago and he failed."

Zero:"I'm terribly sorry about that."

Wolf chuckles.

Wolf:"No you're not, that was part of your plan."

Zero:"And if it was."

Wolf:"I would have killed you, but I can't."

Zero:"You still can."

Wolf:"And get killed in the process. No thanks, I still need to see Snake before I die."

Zero:"You're very loyal to him."

Wolf:"Of course. I've known him for a long time and he's been there with me through thick and thin. I'll follow his orders no matter what."

Zero:"Even if you die because of it?"

Wolf goes silent.

Wolf:"So be it."

Zero:"Hmmm. Good."


A metal screeching is heard.

Zero:"This is where we part ways and this is the last time we'll see or hear from each other again. Goodbye, Isla."

Wolf:"That's not my name anymore."

Zero:"I know."

Tape ends


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