Airport Officials

62 2 1

Snake and Wolf and DD are on the helicopter and Wolf is looking at some photos.

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Aerial Command Center

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, listen a moment. I want to bolster our security to guard against enemy attacks. What I have in mind is to create a 'Security Team' that can defend each of the platforms. Can I go ahead with that? So from now on, give some thought to building up the Security Team as well. One other thing. To divert some of the risk posed by our enemies, I'd like to construct a Forward Operating Base. The more bases we have, the more staff we can house and the more materials we can secure."


Episode 21



Snake and Wolf are on the helicopter. It's around midday. Wolf is sitting in the seats next to the right door.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Stalking "Maimed" Wolf

Miller:*Com* "Eliminate the high-ranking CFA official in charge of supplying weapons to UNITA."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"The target stays at Nova Braga Airport."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"Head to the airport first."

Enemy Combatants
The Contract Forces of Africa

Snake stands up and opens the right door and sits down. Wolf looks outside of her seat.

Guest Starring
The CFA Executive
The Arms Dealer

Featured Mecha
Walker Gear
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"

The helicopter arrives at the LZ. Snake and Wolf jump out of helicopter, DD following them.

Eliminate the CFA Official

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss! Major!"

The helicopter flies off.

Snake and Wolf start to head to the airport.

Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, we've just received word that the arms dealer due to inspect Nova Braga Airport is on his way. Once his chopper has arrived, he'll be touring the facilities along with the target. Let him bring the target out into your line of fire."

Snake and Wolf arrive at the airport and Snake spots a fence with a locked door and they head over there. Snake starts to pick the lock.

Miller:*Com*"Great You've both made it. I've sent the information to your map screen. That's the target's predicted location. Check all around the target and plan carefully before moving in."

Snake picks the lock and heads inside with Wolf and DD following. They head along the left side of the airport. Sticking to the shadows.

Miller:*Com*"The Chopper'll be arriving any minute. Watch out."

They hear the helicopter and they get down. They both look towards the main building and they see a helicopter starting to land.

Miller:*Com*"There's a chopper landing. It must be carrying the arms dealer. Keep your eyes on him."

Snake and Wolf pull out their binoculars and look towards the chopper.

Miller:*Com*"Our intel suggests the target will leave the country with the arms dealer after the inspection. Take him out before that happens."

They see a man jump out of the helicopter.

Miller:*Com*"That must be the arms dealer. His next move will be to meet the target."

Snake and Wolf crawl their way in the tall grass while watching the arms dealer. The helicopter takes off and starts to patrol around the base.

Ocelot:*Com*"Looks like the arms dealer's chopper is gonna patrol for the security forces. Be sure you don't get spotted from above."

Sake pulls out his Tanq sniper and shoots the three snipers on the roof and they all fall to the ground, knocked put. Snake and Wolf start to crawl their way across the tarmac. 

Snake and Wolf, with DD following slowly make their way over to a hanger on the right side of the airport. It's in the predicted path of the target. They make it inside the hanger. Wolf sees a man walking next to the arms dealer and she pulls our her binoculars and scans the man.

Miller:*Com*"There. That's the target."

Snake and Wolf pull out their WU S.Pistols and Knock out the arms dealer and the target. They also take out a soldier on a walker gear.

They make their way over to the two men and they fulton them both.

Miller:*Com*"Good, you've completed the objective. Now get out of there."

Snake heads over to the Walker Gear and extracts it and Wolf extracts the soldier.

Snake and Wolf go around the base and knock out and fulton extract all the soldiers in Nova Braga Airport.

Then they leave the airport, with DD following, and Snake calls in the helicopter and they leave the area.



Punished "Venom" Snake
Stalking "Maimed" Wolf
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

The CFA Executive
The Arms Dealer

The Contract Forces of Africa


Miller:*Com*"Boss, Major, About that target you two extracted.... he says he wants to work for us. Having talked to him, he doesn't seem that bad a guy. Apparently the arms dealer's people demanded they prolong the conflict, and he couldn't go against the management. That doesn't excuse everything he did, but his skills will make him a useful asset. Let's put him to good use. I've tossed that arms dealer in the brig. The way he tells it, he worked in logistics with the South African Army, but he was headhunted by SANR. Whoever gave him his orders would only have been a pawn of Skull Face anyway... but apparently he hasn't been in contact for some time. He doesn't know much about SANR... not even what its president looks like. Just another cog in the machine."


Ocelot:*Com*"We've begun development on that new 'Battle Gear' weapon that Emmerich was talking about. If you want to see how development's going, come take a look for yourself."



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