Where Do The Bees Sleep

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The camera opens up to Snake on the helicopter.

Mother Base, Seychelles Waters
Aerial Command Center

Snake opens up his iDroid and select a mission.


Episode 6


The camera opens up to Snake on the helicopter, it's early morning.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com*"Boss, locate and bring back the U.S. military's new weapon, codename 'Honey Bee.'

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"The CIA put it in the hands of the 'Hamid' group of Mujahideen."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"But the Hamid Fighters were wiped out."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Miller:*Com*"The Honey Bee must still be hidden at their base, the fort at Da Smasei Laman."

Snake stands up and opens the helicopter door and sits in the open doorway.

Guest Starring
Skull Face
Tretij Rebenok
The "Skulls" Parasite Unit
Hamid Mujahideen Survivor

Miller:*Com*"Unfortunately, the Soviets are looking for the weapon as well."

Featured Mecha
Attack Helicopter "HP-48 Krokodil"

Miller:*Com*"You have to get to it before they do, and bring it back here. There's a photo of the target on your iDroid. One more thing - apparently one of the Hamod fighters survived. He's missing, but if you can find him, he might lead us to the target. Good luck boss."

The helicopter reaches the LZ.

Recover the Honey Bee Weapon System

Snake hops off the helicopter.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss!"

Snake hops on D-Horse and checks his iDroid, he checks the objective location. Snake then puts his iDroid away and heads towards the objective. 

On his way Snake sees an guard post in front of him and he hops off D-Horse and he recons the base. Snake spots three soldiers and he sneaks up to the base. Snake sneaks into the guard post and takes out his WU S.Pistol and knocks out two guards. The other one is in a guards tower, Snake climbs up the guard tower and he grabs the soldier from behind. Snake puts a knife to the soldiers throat.  


Soldier:"There's a stash of rough diamonds here..." 

iDroid:"The map has been updated."

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