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Episode 4



The camera opens up to Snake in the helicopter in the early morning.

Punished "Venom" Snake

Miller:*Com* "Boss, you need to disable the Soviets' reinforcements system by putting a hole in their base-to-base comms network."

Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

Miller:*Com*"Head for the eastern communication post, and destroy its comms equipment."

Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot

Miller:*Com*"First use the binoculars to locate the communications equipment at the facility."

Enemy Combatants
The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment

Snake gets up and opens the door to the helicopter. After a few seconds the helicopter gets to the LZ and Snake hops off.

Pequod:*Com*"Be careful down there, Boss."

The helicopter flies away. Snake gets on D-Horse and heads to the objective. Once he get near it he gets off D-Horse and starts to sneak. 

Northern Kabul, Afghanistan
Eastern Communications Post

Miller:*Com*"You've made it. First use the binoculars to locate the communications equipment at the facility."

Snake gets to an advantage point and recons the area and spots some guards and he spots an antenna.

Miller:*Com*"That antenna is one of the targets. There should be more. Keep looking."

Snake spots another antenna.

Miller:*Com*"That's another one of the targets. Do you see any more?"

Snake sneaks along the left side of the cliff wall and spots another antenna.

Miller:*Com*"That looks like the target."

iDroid:"Mission info has been updated." 

Miller:*Com*"We know where all the antennas are now. Take out all three of them. How you do it is your call."

Snake sneaks up to one of the antenna.

Miller:*Com*"Explosives should take care of them well enough. How you do it is up to you."

Snake takes out some C4 and placed it on the antennas. Snake then crawls his way to the other antenna, knocking out a few guards on his way. Snake then sneaks his way to the last antenna and puts a C4 on it. Snake then calls in the helicopter and sneaks his way out of the outpost and runs to the LZ. The helicopter get to the LZ and Snake blows the C4 up.

Miller:*Com*"Good work. You've completed your objective. Now get out of the hot zone."

Snake gets on the chopper and it flies away.



Punished "Venom" Snake
Revolver "Shalashaska" Ocelot
Benedict "Kazuhira" Miller

The Soviet Guards Airborne Regiment


Miller:*Com*"Our army is growing crazy thanks to you, Boss. In fact it's getting downright crowded around here. To bring a greater number of people on board, we'll need to expand our facilities. To that end. I've created a Base Development Unit. It has two roles: material refinement, and platform construction. I'll start with the material refinement part. The Base Development Unit procures material resources on a regular basis according to its level. The materials are stored in containers and placed on the deck of Mother Base. Once they're finished being processed, they can finally be put to use. By using these materials to build new platforms, we'll be able to add a greater number of staff to our ranks. We don't need any specific instructions from you to refine the materials, but I want YOU to be the one to decide how we construct platforms. Once we have sufficient GMP and the required material resources, you can issue construction orders from your iDroid."


Miller:*Com*"Boss, We've got new intel on Wolf. Come Back to base and we'll go over it."

The helicopter heads back to Mother Base.


The camera shows Snake, Miller and Ocelot in a communications room.

Ocelot:"We picked up a transmission from the communications post before you blew up the antennas."

Snake:"What was it about?"

Miller:"Well the quick summary is that Wolf is alive and the Soviets have her. But we don't know where. But someone does."

Miller throws picture on a table and it's a Spetsnaz Commander.

Ocelot:"Nikita Popov. A Spetsnaz Commander, he knows the location of where Wolf is."

Ocelot then pulls out a map and puts it on the table.

Miller:"Has luck would have it." *He points his crutch at Qarya Sahra.* "He'll be at Qarya Sakhra tomorrow afternoon."

Snake:"And that's our window?"

Ocelot:"Yeah. He'll only be there for a couple of hours then he'll be heading for the Afghanistan Central Base Camp and he'll be heading out of the country."

Miller:*Slams his crutch on the ground.*"You have to get this guy, Snake. Or finding Wolf will only get harder."

Snake:"Got it."

Ocelot:"Now, go get some rest and be prepare for tomorrow."

Snake nods and leaves the room and heads to his own.



749 words.

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