41. Set Free

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Jennifer’s POV


I can’t really wait for the day we’re gonna be together, the three of us will be going to be happy as ever. Yrrah is now peacefully dreaming.

I’m so glad that you happened to me, to us. If it is not because of you, maybe I’m still missing Harry now. I’m still longin for his touches, for his kisses, for his love. You’re the best thing that happened to us Yrrah.

I kissed her forehead and went out her room. I found Ryan sitting on the middle of the stairs, he seems so sad? No, how could he be like that? I slowly approached him. I tapped his shoulders and he snapped out.

“Hey.” He said calmly.

“Why are you still awake? You must be sleeping now.” I sat down beside him.

“I want you to sleep first, so I won’t worry before I go to bed.”

“Is there something wrong?” because he’s making me feel nervous, like something’s going to happen, or is happening right now, right this time.

“Nothing.” He faced me. “So, um. . . did you already see him?” it’s about Harry. Is he jealous? I think we already settled it down.

“Yes.” I nodded. “And we’re both so glad to finally see each other after for how many years.” It’s the truth.

“So I bet something already happened huh?” I don’t know where this conversation is going to.

“Ryan, what are you trying to say? I thought you’re happy for me to see him again, but you’re acting like you’re not.” I slightly raised my voice, and I didn’t mean it.

“Fine, I do admit it, I’m jealous Jennifer, okay? I’m still jealous because finally you’ll be with him again, and I’ll be left here alone without you, but thank you, I have the memories.” I said, I said he’s jealous.

“Ryan, I really am not the one for you. But someday, you’ll find someone better than me, who’ll love you more than I did.” I wrapped my arms on his waist and rested my head on his shoulders. “Wanna count stars?” I whispered and finally he smiled.

“Let’s see if you’ll not fall asleep again.” he teased and tickled me. I’ll be missing this.

“Nah, that’s not gonna happen, because tonight, I’ll not be sleeping and so you are.”

“Who told you I’m not gonna sleep? I’m not a zombie Jennifer.” He stuck his tongue out and I playfully smack his head.

“Yes you are, look at your eyes, they’re like these.” I opened my eyes wide with my fingers and acted like a zombie.

“You’re still the Jennifer I know. You’re so cute. Now let’s go on the rooftop.”

We’re sitting here at the rooftop with my head on his shoulders and his arms wrapped around me because it’s kinda cold out here. We’re counting stars, like there’s no tomorrow coming. And then suddenly I yawned.

“Look who’s going to lose the game again.” he teased and laughed so hard.

“Oh hush now.”

“Fly with me.” he suddenly offered, and I’m a bit scared because I never been flying. But at the same time excited because it’s going to be my first time to fly. But then, it’s going to be more especial when my first is to fly with Harry.

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