45. Fight For Love

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Jennifer’s POV


Yrrah fainted, oh my, what happened? Harry suddenly carried her and took her to a room and laid her down the bed. I’m so afraid.

“Yrrah, please wake up baby.” I whispered through her ears as I’m rubbing her face, she’s so pale, her lips are pale like her blood were drain. “Baby, if you hear me, please wake up, mommy is so scared now.”

“Cris, just wait for me outside, we’re going to check her.” Ryan mutters. “Harry, please accompany Cris.”

“I’ll stay, she’s my fvcking daughter Ryan!” Harry yelled in panic. “Levi, please, please wait for us outside.” Cris and Levi went outside already.

“Ryan, what happened?” I asked him with my cracking voice.

“I don’t know, she’s not even hot, she’s just pale. She’s still breathing.”

I turned around and hug Harry so tight, he hugs me back. I’m crying so hard. What if she never wakes up?

“Jen, don’t cry baby, she’s going to be okay.” He kissed my forehead. But I shook my head no. I really don’t know what to do.

“Harry what if she never wakes up?” I looked up him.

“Don’t think about it Jennifer, she will wake up. She’s strong like you, I know.”

I break down again and hugged him tighter. He calmed me down and we sat down the bed beside her. I held her hand asking her to wake up already because I can’t barely stand seeing her like this.

“Harry, Jennifer, she’s just sleeping.” Ryan suddenly speaks.

“Sleeping? How?” Harry asked.

“I just know, she’s just sleeping, believe me, she’ll wake up, but not this time.”

“But when?” I asked him back again.

“Maybe tonight. Let’s just wait for her.”

“Okay, thank you Ryan.” he nodded.

“I should leave you here for the mean time; just call me if something happens okay?” Then he left the three of us here.

I looked at Harry with sincerity, but I sighed and look down. I want to ask him something, but maybe I’ll be regretting if I ask him that. He lifted my chin up and made me look at him.

“Something wrong Jen?” I shook my head no. “C’mon, don’t hide it, tell me.”

I grabbed his neck and kissed him with passion, he kissed me back but I then slowly pulled back.

“Is that what you wanna tell me?” He asks smiling. I pursed my lips and stare at his blue eyes.

“Are you not regretting Harry?” he furrowed his brows. “Look at us, we’re in danger, we can never go back to Swarga because there’s someone who wants to kill us, our lives are in danger Harry.”

“Listen Jennifer Lynn, I didn’t regret every single moment I spent with you, I didn’t regret every time that you’re here by my side, I didn’t regret I’ve met you because we’ve borne a very beautiful young girl in front of us. I don’t have regression in my heart because love is clouding it down. I love you, and we can prove that there’s forever by holding with each other. We will fight together, I will not run away, I don’t wanna let you fight alone, I can fight with one hand, as long as I’m holding yours. And our love will be our greatest armor. I love you so much Jennifer Lynn.”

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