30. Traitor

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Harry’s POV


It’s almost 2 weeks have passed, when she asked me to call her, should I? But there’s nothing wrong if I give it a try. So I should.

I dialed her number, it’s ringing. She answered it after 4 rings.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Um . . . Harry.”

She gasped; maybe she can’t believe that I called her. Well the truth, I don’t want to, because I’m still thinking and waiting for Jennifer. But it’s almost 2 weeks, and I never had any news about her. How could I even know something about what’s happening to her right now, if her father’s preventing her from seeing me, I mean, she also forgot me. That hurts a lot. I gave all that I had to her, and what she did in return is this, a broken heart. So maybe no, I should forget and meet someone new.

“Oh my gosh, really? As in Harry Connick Jr.?”

“Yes I am.” I breathed. “Are you free tonight?”

She’s not answering yet, maybe she’s looking onto her schedule.

“Um, yea, I’m free. Why?”

“I want to invite you for a dinner, here at my house.”

“Fvck! At your house?”

Did she just curse? Oh never mind, I’m cursing too.

“Um yeah, so, I’ll pick you up at 7, if it’s okay with you.”

“Oh sure, 7 it is.”

“Okay, see you then. Bye.”

“Bye Harry.”

Is this right? Thinking of what have been happened from the previous weeks made me realize that I can’t take Jennifer back again. I’m just only a human; I have no strength to go from where they live. And it really kills me within. Every night I keep on praying that somehow I can see her flying in the celestial sky, and somehow I’m wishing that one day she’ll be standing in front of my door again, with just only her porcelain skin, and her innocent mind. But that’s impossible, I know she’ll not do that, she already had Eniam in her life, and maybe they’re happy being together.

Jennifer’s POV


I don’t know what this thing all about. They’re all putting the blame on me because Alucard sensed that there’s a human in Swarga, and I know he’s not only referring to me, he’s referring to the child I’m carrying. If he knows that, he would have any way to kill the innocent child, and if he couldn’t, there’s a tendency for him to kill me too. I should hide this child; I don’t want her to get involved into this kind of situation. I will bear her normally, and if I have to give her away so Alucard can’t kill her, I would. I will protect her, whatever happens.

“Adhara, let’s talk.”

I looked at my mother, and she looks so tensed. He grabbed my hand and led me to what she called her secret room. What are we gonna do here?

“My child, you’re life is in danger.”

“I know mother, I . . .”

“Ssshhh, listen to me.”

She held my shoulders tightly.

“Go back to the earth and go the small village called The Innocent Sea and born that child there.”

What where? I’ve never heard about that place before.

“Alucard doesn’t know that place we have, and I know that’s the only safest place to stay until you born the child growing inside you. Go there alone because I sensed that someone in here is a traitor.

A traitor? Who would that be? I don’t know someone who will harm me. If there’s really someone who wants to harm me, then he or she must not be afraid to show to us. Why is this happening to me?

It’s because I’m half human and half angel, half mortal and half immortal.

“Mother, I can’t go there alone. Who will accompany me? What if I’m gonna be lost?”

She pulled me into her arms and hugged me so tight.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be sending a light to guide you.”

“No mother, I don’t want to be alone, especially I’m having a child and I can’t raise her alone, please mother come with me.” I started to cry out again.

“You have to be on your own feet Adhara. You must go on the day after tomorrow before the sun rises up the sky. I trust you my child.”

After she said all the things I need to do, she left me there thinking everything. I should go to the place she said, in order to protect and keep safeguard for my child.



Eniam’s POV


Before Alucard completely left the Swarga, I ran to catch him.

“What do you want Eniam?”

“What did you tell to Adhara?”

“Oh nothing, it’s just unbelievable that she’s bearing a child and you’re the father.

What? I’m the father? Did Adhara tell that to him?

“You’re not really the father, are you?”

I left speechless, think Eniam, think! But no, I can’t think some alibi, because I know him, he reads my mind as always.

“Why can’t you answer my question? You’re not the father of that child!”

He’s calmly talking, but I can hear the anger through his voice.

“I . . . I am the father of that child.”

What should I tell him so?

“Liar! Don’t cover the sins of that Adhara! I know that truth Eniam, you love her that’s why you can’t come back to me.

“Sorry.” That’s the only word I said.

“When the time comes that the child’s born, take your time to kill that child!”

What? I can’t do it.

“And if you can’t kill the child, kill the mother.”

Is he serious? I can’t do that, whatever happens, I will not kill Adhara!

I took a deep breath; I don’t know what to say.

“If you don’t kill them both, I’ll be the one to kill them, Including You.

He left a wide smile and started to walk away but I stopped him.

“I will do your order.”

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