13. I'm Yours

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Harry’s POV

There are two entities that can really break you down Yesterday and Tomorrow. One is gone and the other doesn’t exist so live today

She’s just staring at me while I’m sliding the ring on her finger, what is she gonna tell me? Why is she not answering me, please speak to me Jennifer.

If you say no, of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most.” This is definitely in my mind. So please Jennifer say yes.

“Harry, I’ve only know you for 24 days.” What? No, please Jennifer, this is not the words I want to hear from you. What do you mean? “Sorry but, I want to know myself more, I want to know you more. Let’s just take it slow, I’m telling you this not because I’m hurting you, but because I still need answers to my questions.” What questions? I thought we already solved it.

I am twice rejected from the same woman; this is the first time I’ve proposed like this, now I’m rejected again. What will I do to make you love me? What will I do to make you care? Tell me Jennifer, what will I do to make you mine? I’d give you all I have, what do you still need? Am I not enough for you?

My tears started to stream down from my hopeless eyes, I’ve never been rejected and hurt like this. She stepped nearer and cupped my face. She kissed the tears away. But she never removed the hurt I’m living in.

“Ssshhh, don’t cry Harry. Now stand up.” How will I not cry if you’re the reason I’m crying.

She suddenly hugged me tight. She pressed her face on my chest but I didn’t hold her.

“You gave your all to me, I don’t know, but I still feel so incomplete.” Let me get inside your life so you’ll be complete. “My mind is still having those unanswered questions Harry.”

“Let me in.” I whispered but my voice is hoarse.

“You’re already in.” Am I really? “I can’t love you the way you love me right now, but I’m learning . . . I’m learning Harry.” You love me.

She looked up me. “Don’t let your tears fall down again. There’s only one thing I can assure you.” She sighed. “I’M YOURS.

I’m yours

I’m yours

I’m yours

The words are happily pounding in my head. I moved my hand tight to hug her.

“I love you Jennifer.”

Jennifer’s POV

I can’t believe Harry did that, I mean, I didn’t expect it. I love him, yea I love him but I don’t know what to tell him exactly. I’m scared that one day he’ll dump me, now that he knows I’m not totally a human. And I have to find my family, ask them why I became like this. Does my father is really the son of gods, is he an immortal? If so, where is he? Is he still with my mom? Why don’t they look for me? They’re the ones I’m missing.

I finished my shower and faced myself in the mirror, I looked at my scars, they’re bleeding, and my back starts to prickle, again it hurts like its lacerating.

“You must control it.” Someone whispers softly. I thought its Harry but that’s not his voice tho.

“Who are you?” I asked but no one answers me back. Am I crazy or am I just over think of everything?

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