A Knowing Spirit

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Clark Sisters.


The Bishop almost have to get Deacon Roy together during church service and Holy Will is there opening song that they're singing. Yes this still takes place in the year 1995. But I'm using their music throughout the eras.

It was Sunday once again and all of the sisters were in attendance for church. They had a singing engagement there as well for today's service so, the four of them would be leading the church choir with Twinkie on the organ as per usual as well as singing along with them and needless to say when the Clark Sisters were there the church was always packed. Once all the sisters were there they sat on the pool pit watching the announcer give the greetings. However when they sat on the pool pit they thought it was weird that all of the Deacons seating was newly, arranged. Dorinda looked over towards Karen who was paying attention and she whispered to Jacky who was on her right. "Jacky you noticed the Deacons seating is a little far off?" Dorinda asked her sister and Jacky scrunched up her face not really caring at the moment. "Shush Doe I'm tryin' to listen." Jacky said playfully hitting her with the fan in her hand.

"I'm just sayin this angle is a bit weird." Dorinda whispered to her and Twinkie tapped her. "Girl hush up." Twinkie said, "don't worry about the seating arrangement for the Deacons it's not like we sit next to them anyways every time we come here." Twinkie told her. "Yeah but Karen does since this is hers and the Deacons church and now they're not. It's just weird is all." Dorinda said not feeling right about the situation. "If you're worried so much about the seating arrangement like it's elementary school then why don't you just ask the Bishop and Karen about what's going on after church." Jacky interfered trying to get her little sister to be quiet. "Aht aht there's no need for attitude I'm just concerned." Dorinda said tilting her head to the side and folding her arms towards Jacky and then, Karen surprisingly peered over her behind her husband mouthing to them, "If y'all don't be quiet soundin' like bees buzzin'. " She said knowing that they were talking about the new seating arrangement. "See." Jacky quietly said to Dorinda saying to her that even Karen wants her to be quiet.

The time has came for the sisters to sing the first song of the service welcoming anyone and everyone giving thanks unto the Lord. It was a short opening song but nonetheless it had people standing on their feet. After they were finished singing the applause's were just as loud as ever. But as Karen scanned the sanctuary she saw that Deacon Roy was clapping the hardest out of everyone there and pointing his hands towards her as if he was thanking her. Karen nearly, scrunched up her face but then she remembered she was in front of the congregation and fixed it immediately and tried to pull off her best "fake smile." Dorinda noticed that something was some was wrong with her sister and noted it when she had looked over to her. This man was showing himself. Karen thought as her and her sisters sat down. There was literally no need to clap that hard for an opening song unless someone was really feeling it and the holy ghost took over their spirit. But that almost never happened for an opening song and she knew something was up with him with how he would just stare at her as she was singing and she hated it.

It was nearing the end of church service and it was now time for the Bishop to call everyone to the front who needed prayer and so, he could close out for the Benediction. "Just come to the alter, come to the alter, come to the alter." He kept repeating as people were getting their spirits lifted and praising God. "Casts all your fears and worries upon him take it to the Lord in prayer. He will provide for you. Guide you. Cover you with the blood of Jesus." He said into the microphone as he was ushering the ones who wanted and needed prayer. As the Bishop was doing that Karen was helping with prayer putting rubbing anointing oil on the foreheads after she finished praying with them she would rub a little on their foreheads as Dorinda had Holy Water using it as such.

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