For the love of her

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: Drew tries to get the sisters to come to Karen's therapy session after he feels like they have shut her out long enough.

-Also, smut is near the end. Enjoy this smut because I don't know when y'all gonna get another chapter or a few couple of paragraphs of smut. 🌚

"Don't y'all care about your baby sister?" Drew asked as he was pulling out all the stops trying to make them understand. It's now been going on three weeks and the kids haven't even been back home. J.Drew spoke to his mom a little bit and Kierra made mimimual contact with her giving her a small smile and only talking to her during choir practice or when she would direct the choir on Sundays or for "Teen's service" which was still going on as punishment because of how out of hand the party had gotten. "Jacky you even said it yourself you knew that something was wrong with Karen. You're a nurse so you must know how these things work." Drew said to her and Jacky just leaned back pursing her lips. "And I know that you know that's it's not doing any good for her mental health when y'all are shutting her out and y'all are doing it on purpose whereas she none of the fights she caused were intentional." Drew told her and they knew that he was right.
"And Dorinda what about you, y'all are like best friends two peas in a pod. You won't let anyone else talk about her no matter how much she may annoy you." Drew reminded her and Dorinda sat there with her legs crossed as if she didn't care but she really did. "And Twinkie..."Drew said turning towards her "you're her confidant, the teacher you must know that she really meant that she was sorry and genuinely apologized when she did it." Drew said to Twinkie after he talked to them one-on-one even though they were all in the same room at Jacky's house.
"Your sister have nothing to lie about." Drew told them all at once. "She's even taking medication to control her feelings or urges or whatever it is that she has." Drew told them and they looked on kind of shocked. And Jacky thought to herself so, it's that bad that she has to take medication for it. But if it wasn't that bad then the fights never would've happened. So, why was she shocked. She wasn't sure unless she was trying to be in denial about it wanting their baby sister to be okay. Jacky got out of her thoughts listening to Drew try to convince them to go too her session. Jacky had already been thinking about it after she heard, Karen in church tell them about two Sunday's ago when the kids first went over to Dorinda's house after, Karen's and Ki's argument.
"If y'all won't go for her at least go for the kids to try too help for when they come back home. They've been gone for two weeks now almost going on three weeks. Karen misses her babies I miss my babies." Drew said. "If she misses them so much then why don't she come to see them?" Dorinda asked him folding up her arms and Drew gave her a look.
"Now, Dorinda you know Kierra is hard headed and J.Drew is afraid of her and she has been trying to talk too them everyone knows that. Plus you got mad when she was outside in the car when I came to see them and basically banned her from your house." Drew said reminding her. "That was a little harsh sis." Twinkie said remembering how it happened. "What I ain't know if she was gonna try to beat me again or not and it's not like y'all would let me defend myself against her because of mental illness." Dorinda said kind of smartly because she was still mad at her.
"But y'all are ignoring her and she's been trying to tell y'all for the last two weeks that something is wrong. I knew something was wrong the day she came back home. She was a little off. But she just brushed it off as missing home." Drew told them before he went on again to try to convince them to come.
"And Dorinda what if Tammy starts messing with Karen again would you just let that happen?" Drew asked her trying to get her to stop being so mad at her.
"No, I'll hit the bitch for messing with Karen." Dorinda said kinda violently because her and Tammy had beef too just because she was sisters with Karen. "Now how is Karen supposed to know that y'all still care if y'all won't talk to her?" He rhetorically asked them.
"And Twinkie, I think you know that something is wrong." Drew said knowing that sometimes Twinkie will get these strong feelings.
"Just come and see what her diagnoses is you don't even have to talk too her. Even the therapist would tell you that you don't. The therapist would talk directly to you or individually if you like." Drew said in desperate need that the sisters would be there for their sister. "Also when y'all are going through or are mad at each other have Karen ever ignored you this much?" Drew asked them. Then, Dorinda decided to speak up. "No, but we also never decided to fight her either." Dorinda said, and Drew placed his hands over his temples.
"But that's the thing Karen didn't decide to you fight you. When you saw her come from downstairs that day did she look like Karen to you?" Drew asked her and Dorinda thought about it knowing that he was right.
"I know my wife and that day she fought you that wasn't her. It was like she wasn't hearing us when we told her to stop or that you were her sister. Even after y'all left I couldn't even recognize her." Drew said remembering the first time he really couldn't recognize his wife and the second time was the most recent with the fight.
"So, what you're trying to say that she has split personality or a borderline personality disorder?" Dorinda asked him a bit snarky though deep down inside somewhere she cared and he sighed quietly.
"No, I'm not saying that she has that and I'm also not saying that she doesn't have a disorder." He told them to make things clearer. "Something is going on with our Karen and we just all need to be there for when push comes to shove. When the worst of the worst happens." Drew said trying to prepare the girls for whatever it may be.
"Just take it into consideration but please don't shut her out. She deserves her family to be there for her. Remember she's not completely healed yet and she's still going through her trauma." Drew said trying to convince the sisters to come. "Please be there for her."
He begged them and Drew rarely begged anybody except for his wife. So, they know he was serious about it and needed them there with her. Even though they had just found out what their diagnoses was Karen wanted to tell them first with Drew being her moral support. But if she couldn't tell them or if they wouldn't listen to her then her therapist would be the one to do it. After he left Jacky's house giving the sisters a goodbye he went home to his wife who was still up.
"You talked to them?" Karen asked when Drew saw her sitting up in bed just thinking. "I tried to talk some sense into them. All we can do about it now is pray." Drew said and Karen pouted. "I'm always messing something up." Karen said thinking way back when to her childhood and the only thing she could do right was sing. "That's not true. You're just having a hard time right now." Drew said as he gently turned her face to look towards him. "Hey, look at me you're not a screw up." Drew said, as he kissed his wife's pouting lips. "Yeah you don't think I am." Karen huffed a bit. "I mean it you're not." Drew said snuggling beside Karen.
"Let me make my wife feel better." Drew said, "you haven't been feeling like yourself in a few days. Are you sure you're okay?" Drew asked her and Karen just nodded her head. "Yeah I think it's just this fight that me and my sisters are going through got me torn up." Karen said as she placed her head on her hand. "Don't worry about that right now." Drew said pulling her closer to him.
"Now, come here so I can cum inside of you." He said, and Karen bit her lip smiling.

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