No. [Pregame Kaemaki]

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Another awful day of school, if morning wasn't awful enough of course.
"Everyone, take out your books and turn to page 87, we're continuing from there."
The teacher had us stick to reading for a bit instead of writing, as he thought that would be a bit more easier and considered it a "break." I never understood the point of this but I guess I'll follow it up. I wonder when the day will be over...
"Shuichi, could you please read the first paragraph?"
The teacher asked a calm classmate of mine, Shuichi Saihara. We had met in the first year of high-school and grew quite close, but not that close for us to have a crush on each other. Sure, he had romantic interest in both male and female, but otherwise he didn't really fall for anyone.
"Of course sir."
And he started reading something about historical bullshit, I didn't care one bit because of how boring history can be. I missed our old history teacher because he actually made it interesting when teaching history, but he passed away from cancer last year.
I started to doze off, I wasn't tired or anything as I was quite organized but boredom gets the best of me all the time. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, well not entirely asleep, just so I couldn't hear anything anymore. I sat at the back anyway, so it would be hard for the teacher to notice unless he called for me to continue reading, but I doubt he would.
After a while of napping, I felt someone nudge me, kinda roughly to be honest. I didn't pay attention to it though, until they hit the back of my head...
"Wake up, it's time to go sleepyhead."
The voice chuckled after.
"Mmh... just a tiny bit longer..."
They groaned and pulled the chair backwards quickly, which gave me no time to react and I fell onto the hard floor.
"Ow! What the hell?!"
I looked up to see Tsumugi laughing and Shuichi resisting it.
"Sorry Kaede, but class is over."
Said Shuichi as I got off of the floor.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever"
I groaned and picked up my bag, heading towards the door.
"You two better not stay there too long or else you'll be locked inside of this classroom until tomorrow."
I smirked as I exited the classroom.
I had decided to put away my books and go hang out inside of the library as I wait for whoever I have to tutor. I don't remember the name but I think that she's a girl, I wasn't really paying attention when the principal was talking and she wasn't there either so I'm not surprised.
I put my things in my locker and swiftly headed towards the library, I took a few breaks to talk to my friends in the process of heading towards it, otherwise my plan was just straight to the library.
As I was about to open the library door, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see s familiar browned haired girl, she was quite beautiful I'll admit.
"Are you Kaede Akamatsu?"
She asked in a low cold voice, yet still a bit pitched.
"Yeah? That's me, what am I famous?"
I chuckled at my response but her expression did not change at all.
"You're my tutor if I'm correct, the principal had showed me your file so I could find you easier as I was busy the day I was suppose to meet you."
She explained it swiftly but I didn't really pay much attention, didn't care either.
"Well, what's your name then cutie?"
I put a finger under her chin and tilted it upwards, her face getting a red tint that spread across.
"M-Maki Harukawa..."
She pushed my hand away and averted eye contact.
"I'm just teasing you, don't worry."
I smiled a mischievous smile, I didn't really care about humanity but she seemed interesting to me.
"My place or yours?"
I asked politely.
"Is mine alright with you?"
She questioned back.
"Sure, I wouldn't mind at all."
She started walking away, as I caught up to her and walked beside her.
"Don't be a slow poke then, I only walk home."
"Alright then ma'am"


So this was her? She has changed a lot since the beginning, I'll admit. But it doesn't excuse her actions at all, and I don't care anymore.
We were walking down the streets of my neighborhood and she seemed to be getting uneasy, of course anyone would have that reaction considering it is the "bad" part of the city that I live in. I grabbed her hand and decided to hold it, just to ease her down a bit and let down her guard. We kept walking until we reached my apartment, I stopped her in her tracks and pulled her closer.
"We're gonna have to go around the apartment and into the alley way, the front door has been unusable for quite a while do the back door is our only option. Alright?"
She answered back with a nervous nod and we continued our way towards the alleyway.
After a bit of walking around the apartment and actually walking inside of the alleyway, I stopped in my tracks and got down onto my knees to tie my shoe laces.
"Sorry, I have to tie my shoe laces."
I apologized as I finished tying my shoe laces.
She leaned against the building's wall and looked towards the exit of the alleyway, that told me she had her guard down.
I got up swiftly and sprinted towards her, before she even got time to react I pushed her right shoulder against the wall and put my arm up against her neck, pressing down roughly as I held a sharpened knife.
"W-What the?!-"
I cut her off before she could even finish by pressing even more against her neck.
"Shut up."
She looked down as I pierced daggers into her.
"I seemed familiar to you, didn't I?"
I moved my wrist a tad bit, just until the point of the knife was against her skin.
"Y-Yeah, you did..."
She smiled nervously.
"Well, nice to see you again... old friend"

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