Fate's pain. [Oumota?]

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Kokichi called out, catching the attention of the other.
"What is it Oma?"
Kaito turned towards the other, who was standing a bit away from the two beds they had in their shared room. Originally it was Kokichi's room, but Kaito spends his time around it as well.
"...You know what being touch starved means right?"
"I'd say so."
"You're touch starved?"
Kaito cut him off, feeling a bit surprised but not entirely.
"Yeah.. I guess."
"I thought you hated being touched?"
"I do. I just- can't help but want it."
"You want me to.."
"Yeah. I do."
Kaito stayed quiet for a moment, a feeling of guilt overcoming him.
"Even though I've hurt you? That I need to kill you? I-"
"I know. I've hurt you too. I want to trust you Momota."
It was true. Kokichi wanted to trust Kaito, it'd make it easier for them both to make it through and break the cycle of attempting to get the other to meet their end. They didn't want to kill each other, because one loved the other, and so did the other.
"Oma, I c-"
Kaito was cut off by Kokichi gently grabbing his wrist and lifting his hand up. It wasn't a strong grip, he could easily pull away. But he didn't. He could see Kokichi's hesitation, before he placed his hand against his own cheek.
Kaito knew Kokichi was uncomfortable already, but he pushed through it. Kaito didn't mind, he had always been affectionate through touch. But he couldn't bring himself to actually do it, especially if the other was uncomfortable.
"Go on."
"Do you really want me to do it? Even if you're uncomfortable?.."
"I do. Just- do it..."
Kaito hesitantly moved his other hand, cupping Kokichi's face as he also moved his hands to rest on top of Kaito's.
He brushed his thumb against Kokichi's cheek, being as gentle as possible. It wasn't something Kokichi was used to, it scared him. But he needed to get through it. His hands stopped on the edge of Kokichi's face, his thumb resting near his lower lip.
"I do want you to go further. Just- give me a moment..."
He said, moving away to take his shirt off. His discomfort growing more with every thought and touch. He hated the feeling, but he wanted it. He hated how Kaito made him feel, but he couldn't help it. He moved back closer, standing still and looking up at Kaito who's hands now rested around his neck.
Kokichi felt a large spike of discomfort. His neck was a vital place, and especially with Kaito, who's a lot stronger with him. He knew he wouldn't be able to get out of his grip if he did decide to. But Kaito was gentle, simply moving away as soon as he could from his neck.
He went to his shoulder, and then down his arms, to his hands. He simply held them and smiled at Kokichi. It made his heart flutter. How could the person who hurt him, make him feel so loved.
He moved back up, his hands resting back on his shoulders. He looked at Kokichi, one more time, just for approval. He nodded in response, allowing the other to go further.
Kaito's hands slowly slid down to his chest, he held it from the side, it wasn't anything special. It just hurt for Kokichi, and it hurt for Kaito that Kokichi felt like this. He continued down until he let his hands rest a bit above Kokichi's pants.
He wasn't going to go forward, even if Kokichi wanted him to. He simply pulled Kokichi closer and hugged him. Kokichi wrapped his arms back around Kaito, taking in the embrace. He ignored his discomfort and paranoia. He wanted this. He wanted to feel safe around Kaito.
Why couldn't fate allow that.

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